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- Mentions of violence [?]
- Mentions of alcohol

Quackity POV:

I wake up to the sun beating in my eyes, I swiftly cover them with my arm. I groan as I'm forced to get out of bed, I need to go to work. I sit up and immediately regret it, I can feel my head pounding.

I sit back on my bed frame and sigh, ' Must've drank to much.. '

I get up with a massive headache still, and go make some coffee. As the coffee machine runs, I hear my communicator. I grab it to see whoever the fuck is texting at.. I look at the clock, 7:04 A.M..


Hello Quackity.

Hey Fundy, need something?

I saw Wilbur walking around Las Nevadas last night, he might've been planning something..

Alright, and what did you do with him?

I brought him to the hotel, room 106.
I told him to be in your office by 8:00 A.M..

Good. I'll be seeing him then, you do your job as of right now.

Got it.


I visibly frown at our messages. I've already have a massive headache from last night, he's just gonna make it so much worse. I let out a sigh and walk to my bedroom.

I put on my usual work attire, along with my beanie. I grab my keys and my netherite axe, just in case something were to go wrong. I look at the clock, 7:27. I've still got some time so I walk around Las Nevadas, thinking of everything the country stands for.

This country stands for legacy, a good one at that. Anyone who joins Las Nevadas has the opportunity to redeem themselves of their past and create a legacy they're proud of.

Wilbur keeps begging to join. Does that motherfucker even know what the hell he did to L'Manburg? To Tommy? To Tubbo? To me?

As I enter the building, I keep on thinking. I start getting more pissed off by the second, thinking of everything Wilbur has done. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I stand in front of my office door. I let out a small sigh and open it.

I walk in and sit at my desk. I look up towards the clock, 7:58.

' Any moment now... '

I hear a sudden knock at the door and groan, knowing exactly who it is.

" Come in! " I yell, clearly sounding pissed off.

The door opens to reveal none other than Wilbur Soot.

" Morning darling! " he says in a somewhat enthusiastic tone, with a hint of fear lacing his words.

He's heard the threats, he's seen what I can do. He's gonna have to convince me why he's innocent, or else violence may just get involved.

Wilbur's POV:

I walk into his office more. I can tell he's pissed just by his facial expression.

" We haven't even talked yet and your already annoyed? Wow darling, can't even seem to handle my presence. " I said sarcastically.

He had been holding a pencil in his hand, which he had snapped in half. I flinch at the sudden noise, but walk towards his desk.

" Sit. " he says sternly, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk.

On a normal day, I would argue. Except right now, Quackity's pissed. That's never a good sign..

He looks at me with a death stare and says, " Now, will you tell why the ever living fuck you are in my country? "

I look down at the ground, debating what I should say. One one hand, I could tell him the truth. It may lessen a punishment and give him a bit more trust in me. On the other hand, I could lie. I could tell him I'm innocent and that Fundy brought me in for "False Crime", though this option could possibly lead to death. As much as I like to lie to Quackity's face, I like living more.

" Well? " he asked, obviously getting impatient.

I then decide to finally look up, " Well, I wanted to get a drink, so I went to the Las Nevadas bar- "

" First mistake. " Quackity stated bluntly.

" -And then I was going to leave! " I said in defense.

" Mhm.. Right. " Quackity said sarcastically.

" I was there for.. An hour..? " I put my hand on my head to think, " Yeah, I think an hour. "

" And what did you do after that? "

" I guess I walked around Las Nevadas a bit, and then eventually Funds saw me and brought me to the hotel.. " I recall.

I look at Quackity, who seems to be deep in thought. He squinted his eyes as if he was in pain.

" I.. I believe you.. " he said, resting his head in his hand.

" So can I go now? " I ask as I slowly get up from my chair.

" Yes, now leave. " he said in a serious tone.

I walked out of his office, letting out a sigh of relief. I got extremely lucky there, he could've killed me..

As I walked out of the building and into the refreshing morning air, I suddenly hear my communicator go off.


Hey Wilbur, where are you?

Sorry, I had to sort some things out with Quackity..

Are we opening the van today?

Today can be a day off, I have other things to do.

Okay! Do you want me to go home?

Yeah, take a break today.


[] A/N []

This chapter isn't as long as I originally planned, so my apologies for that. This is the third chapter I've written in a day :D
[I basically have them pre-made so I can post them daily]

Total Word Count: 951

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