Chapter 27 - Grace

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I awoke in a field of lavender with the sun shining down on me. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was and how I came here.

I remember moving the boxes, and then Doc opened the portal... my mate...

Oh no.

I saw movement and jumped up into a fighting stance. This was done without thought, drummed into the mind of all Mahani until it was muscle memory.

"It's okay," he said. His hands were in the air in a calm-down gesture. "A Blood Alpha put us to sleep with powers I've never seen before."

"You're my..." I didn't finish the sentence as I knew who he was, but I couldn't feel the mate bond.

"Mate," was all he said.

My mind rushed through possible scenarios as I tried to think.

I remember my mom was holding me, calming me, when I felt a pain in my heart. My mate needed me. My wolf pushed me back so hard that I lost consciousness.

Until I woke up here.

"Blood Alpha?" I asked as his words penetrated my scattered brain.

My fear was subsiding as he didn't come closer. Even though I can't feel the bond, I would never hurt him. I can feel the good in him. He's not evil.

"He stopped time, then put us to sleep."


"That would be Blood Alpha Kelly," I said. "He wants us to talk. I've seen him do it before."

"So, this isn't a dream? We are, in reality, talking?"

"Yes. Our wolves are out cold so that they won't interfere." I responded.

If he killed me in here or rejected me, it would break the link, but I would be fine. I'm still anxious, though.

"I can see your fear of me, and it breaks my heart. Please, I promise I will never hurt you with my whole being." He said.

I knew he spoke the truth, and I relaxed my stance.

He walked closer, but stayed a few feet away before sitting down. He looked around before his eyes came back to me.

My mate was a big man, tall, and his chest and arms were massive. His hair was medium brown, cut just before it hit his shoulders, long enough to play with. His face was longer than mine but still had some roundness to it. But those eyes...

They were light brown on the edges, becoming darker towards the iris. My mate was handsome!

My powers and training allowed me some confidence that I could always overpower him, but deep down, I knew he wouldn't intentionally harm me.

Unless he rolled over on me... I chuckled at the thought as I sat down.

"What are you thinking?" He asked with a smile.

"Something silly."

I sobered up as I knew we needed to talk, and I wasn't sure how long we would be here.

"I know you're Kayla's other brother," I started. "You've known for a week. Did you decide on what you wanted to do about your Mahani mate?"

He sighed heavily and looked away for a moment. I knew his answer was no.

"I was sure my mate was an Alpha, which means I would have to become a Mahani. As the second in command, other packs would notice the change in my appearance and temperament. It would not only put you in danger, but my pack too. So I had decided to let it go until the Mate bond faded."

"You weren't going to reject me so you could take another?"

"My wolf would never accept another." He stated plainly, with no inflection. He just accepted it.

Doc was right. This pack is fantastic.


"How did you know I was an Alpha?"

I briefly saw pain before he hid it, but it didn't matter. The smell of it hit me hard.

"Your wolf would seek me out from time to time for comfort. Only a high-ranking wolf could do that."

His explanation made perfect sense, but why would my wolf need comfort? Nothing terrible has ever happened since she came out. My tribe is a bit overprotective of me.

He spoke the truth. I could feel it.

When would she need—

The nightmares!

My confusion and then horror must have shown on my face because he slid closer and put his hand out to take mine.

"Relax. No tears." His voice was comforting, but my bottom lip was already moving.

"Was it my dreams?" I slowly asked, trying to stop myself from crying.


"Did you only feel my emotions or see the actual dreams?" My heart was in my throat. Please, Goddess!

He didn't want to answer, but his look said it all. The pain radiated from him.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed. My sobs were from deep in my chest. It broke my heart that I did that to my mate.

He pulled me into his arms, rocking me while I cried. I'm such a horrible mate! How could I have done this to him?

"It's okay, little one. I'm okay. I'm glad your wolf came to me. You both needed the comfort, and I was happy to provide it."

He continued to talk in small sentences until I calmed down. I looked up at him as I could finally speak.

"I'm so sorry! I would have stopped her if I had known. I've never shared my dreams, even with my family. They're too horrible."

"I know."

He continued to hold and rock me until I finally calmed down enough, only to have the sniffles.

"I noticed you barely aged. It was my saving grace." He didn't notice me tense up at his words and continued talking. "I knew you were safe where you were and that the abuse had ended before your wolf emerged. It stopped mine from going mad. We knew the dreams were just triggered from time to time. Your Blood Alpha and his daughter said they would do some research to see if there is a way we could be together. My wolf is hopeful they will, and so am I. If they do, I would gladly accept you." His words were slow and full of meaning.

He turned my head to look into my eyes while still holding me in his arms.

"But understand me, if your safety is in jeopardy, I will leave you with the Mahani. I would rather you be alive than with me."

I know a few more tears fell from my eyes. He spoke every word from his heart as he continued to rock me.

"I will continue to comfort you and your wolf, so don't stop her from reaching out. I will always be there for both of you."


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