Content Warning

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Dear Reader,

This is a mature, paranormal dark drama that is adult-only. If you are underage, please leave now.

I want to review the triggers in this story before you read because the chapters do not have trigger warnings. For your own safety, do not read this story if any of these will put you in a dangerous place. Every chapter has triggers; if you skip a chapter, you will get lost.

**No description given: a sexual assault, strangulation, and a brutal beating happen in the foreground.

**Mentioned in the past tense are: sexual assault, physical abuse, gang rape, child and adult trafficking (kidnapping/being sold/tortured/put into sex rings/murdered), unable to have children, miscarriages, child abuse, depression, PTSD, suicide, eating disorders, starvation, racism, and violent death.

**As with all werewolf stories, there are battles where people die.

Author's Note:

In every book I've read in this genre, a wolf pack leader is called an Alpha. However, this is not the case in this story (and future stories in this world). Alpha is just a rank. The pack leaders are called Blood Alphas. They can be male or female, and their mates are called Luna or Lunus, depending on their gender.

Each chapter is told from a different person's POV, and the writing style changes to reflect that. The chapter title and picture will identify the character currently in the spotlight.

Each chapter will end with a list of the newly introduced characters. A full Character Tree is in the final chapter.

Thank you for reading!

-April Jester

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