Chapter 37- Kayla

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All day long, I could feel the stress coming from Nicolas. At first, I thought someone was bothering him, but I soon realized he had something on his mind that was making him crazy. Once the last child was put down for the night, I cornered him in the kitchen. He was mixing dough to make bread.

"What's on your mind, love?" I asked him while wrapping my arms around him from behind, my chin on his shoulder.

"There is something about the ceremony that I may have neglected to mention. We can postpone it until next month or longer, if you want." He leaned his head a bit so we were touching. I love the tingles.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry, Kayla. I just..." he couldn't get the words out. Even if I couldn't feel the stress, his using my name instead of lady was a huge sign.

"Come on. Tell me." I coaxed softly.

"We need to be marked to do the ceremony." He whispered.

His eyes were downcast as I digested this information. Over the last ten days I've been with my mate, my wolf has been urging me to mark him, afraid that someone would take him away.

While my human mind knows my mate will never leave me for another, my wolf won't see the logic, just her instincts. I believe my wolf has loved him for a long time. Nicolas explained how she had reached out to him all those years ago. And I can't help but feel attracted to him as a human. His looks and personality are a perfect match for me.

The Moon Goddess didn't desert me after all. She just had a bigger plan.

Am I ready to be intimate with this man who means the world to me?

"Nicolas," my voice may have wavered a bit. "I wouldn't mind trying if you want to." Before he could react, my brain registered that it was not all about me. "If you're still hurting, we can wait. Don't worry, I'll still be here, no matter how long you take to be ready."

I took the time to send my love through our link and felt my wolf crawl forward and lick his nose, which my human side did since we weren't in wolf form.

His laughter caught me by surprise.

"My wolf has been pushing me to mark you since we arrived here. He doesn't like you unmarked while around so many people he doesn't know." He said as he turned in my arms.

The kiss we shared was deep and long. My skin tingled, and goosebumps followed his fingertips down my bare arms. When the kiss ended, he touched his forehead to mine.

"Let me cover this dough so it can rise." I watched his hands as he expertly flipped a cloth over the top and lightly tucked in the sides. I wondered what else those talented hands could do.

Once done, he took my hand, and we slowly walked towards our room. Once we entered, he turned me into his waiting arms and leaned down for another kiss.

My emotions shocked me. There was excitement and love. There was happiness and joy. There was intrigue and a healthy dose of arousal. The fear and anxiety were also there, but they were minimal. My mind, body, and wolf wanted my mate.

We broke the kiss and stared at each other for a long moment.

"I love you so much, Kayla. You're my lady, forever."

"I love you too, Nicolas."


Before opening my eyes, I could sense my wolf was awake. She seemed unusually still and on alert. I pulled power through the mate bond and looked around us. Nicolas was sound asleep, his arms wrapped around me from behind. I could also feel someone else in the room, but it was a much smaller person. Will.

"Hey, buddy," I whispered so as not to wake up Nicolas. "You okay?"

"Your room smells like my mom's did after they hurt her. Are you both okay?"

I took a moment to stop the tears that threatened me. I pulled myself up and put a pillow in my place.

"Let's talk in the kitchen." I reached for his hand, then changed my mind and picked him up, hugging him as we left the room.

I took a moment to smell the hallway and realized the smell was out here too, just very faint. We walked down the hall, into the living room, and turned right, into the kitchen, where I placed him on the counter.

"Right now, I have soo many emotions touching my wolf and soul. Can I tell you about them?" I asked my audience of one.

He nodded as I pulled down the snack basket and set it beside him. Before speaking, I put a bottle of milk and two glasses on the counter.

"I am full of love for my new family and my mate," I gave a big smile as I ticked off my fingers. "But I'm afraid they won't like me," another finger and a worried look, "and I'm angry that your mom went through what she did," mad face and another finger, "but I love you, Debra, and Sydney so much."

I gave him a quick hug and kept going. "I feel protective of you all, as I never thought I'd have a family." I then threw my hands in the air. "So many different emotions."

I poured the milk as I spoke. "Nicolas and I will never hurt each other. Do you think we will get mad once in a while? Absolutely. Is screaming or throwing things involved? I hope not, but you never know." My wink and smile showed my humor. "But when all is said and done, he is my mate, and my love for him overwhelms me sometimes." I opened a snack and handed it to him with his milk before speaking again.

"That smell in our room is from how mated wolves show their love for one another. For most wolves, the scent is a happy one. However, the smell seems wrong for those who have been abused by the ones supposed to protect them. Like with your birth mom."

I took a bite of my chocolate-filled snack cake and watched his reaction. I saw the wheels moving as he ate his oatmeal cream cookie sandwich. He took several bites before answering.

"You're talking about sex, right?" My little man asked, looking worried as I promptly choked on my treat. "That's how mom got pregnant and died. Please don't have sex, Kayla."

He's associating sex with death. I can ease his mind until Nicolas can address this in therapy.

"Will, I can't have pups. I can't get pregnant. That's why I thought I would never have a family." My voice was soft but firm. His eyes never left mine, and he knew I spoke the truth.

"Thank you, Goddess." His whispered prayer hit me hard. "I prayed if Nicolas found his mate, she would never have pups."


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