Chapter 58 - Victoria

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My body is aching everywhere, which tells me it's time to stop my workout. Glancing at the clock, I realize I've been at this for several hours. I had started slow as my emotions needed an outlet from the day's events. I pushed until it became one of my more strenuous types, but now that I'm hurting, it's time to walk it off.

I motion to the two guards stationed at the door, and we all leave the training building together.

"One full lap," I say with a confidence I don't feel. The others stay a step behind me as I go into a light jog that will wrap around the cleared land. It's about two kilometers, which isn't much, but it will slow my body down and end the workout.

I still have a good amount to sort through in my head and heart. The guilt I felt that day over what happened to Kayla had set my life on an unforeseen path.

Those Alphas were chasing me when she grabbed the dead body and yelled out that she needed a medic for an alive Omega. All the Alphas turned and ran after her. She ran into a big meeting room with a door on each side, thinking she would toss the body to the side, and while they went after it, she would escape and lock down both doors.

It didn't work out that way. She couldn't get out because the far door was already locked down. She didn't make it back to the other door. I was told she yelled out to the others to lock it down after they grabbed her.

Two omegas and four of the Alphas involved were from my pack. One Alpha stayed and is still here. Two became Lone Wolves and left. The last one committed suicide, as his twin was one of the Omegas. While the Alphas had no memories of what happened, they saw the aftermath. It was enough to cause severe damage to the minds of everyone involved.

My own life changed dramatically that day. I no longer wanted to focus solely on my studies of human and wolf histories. I became a warrior that could defend myself and others. My strength and Gamma skills are now used to defend the pack.

When I went through testing after finishing school, it showed me being a writer or librarian. Now, I am the head female warrior, beating out several Alphas for the position.

All these changes because of the guilt of knowing your friend lost everything to save you. Everything.

After talking to Diana, I checked a few unimpeachable sources and discovered that what she said was the truth. Kayla is mated with children. It took a couple of weeks, but I decided to finally send her the apology note I had written years ago but could never bring myself to send. Instead, I had put the letter in the corner of my mirror as a reminder to do my best every day.

A one-page letter written eight years ago caused another vast change. My scent had saturated it over the years and was picked up by my mate.

I had never left Montross land after returning from camp. I refused to look for my mate, since Kayla couldn't have hers. Even though it was my guilt talking, I readily agreed to it. My wolf was unhappy with that decision, but she understood.

Now, I find out that Kayla never blamed me and thought I cut her off because of what happened to her. She never regretted her spontaneous action, only that she got caught. She wants to renew our friendship, and with my mate in her pack, I would live there—unless it's an Omega, of course, then we would stay here. Either way, she is a fifteen-minute run from my house to her castle. I will make all the time she wants. I've missed our friendship.

It's getting dark, and I scan the woods but see no one. The Blood Alpha put guards on me, saying he wanted to ensure I didn't run away from my mating and knew I had a lot to work through tonight. He was right, and I'm not on my game. My emotional upheaval is causing havoc.

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