Chapter 54 - Duncan

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I wasn't surprised when they informed me that I would meet Blood Alpha Cooper before heading to the girl.

Initially, I demanded to meet the she-wolf who had been sold, giving her the option to join my pack. My priorities changed within minutes as my wolf reacted again to the voice of Alpha One. I don't even know her name, just her rank. My wolf doesn't care. He liked her voice the first time we talked, but I had to help the girl first. Now that he has seen her face, he is indeed smitten.

Traffickers had killed our mate about six years ago while on her way to the Mate Meet of a friend. I came across the ambush as I was also attending. She had stayed alive long enough for me to know her identity before feeling the bond snap.

My people tore apart the humans and wolves involved. We saved twin pups already in cages, which turned out to be Omega Littles. They now live with me. My sister, Tabitha, and her mate help when I need it.

And I do need it. Those two are a handful.

My wolf was ecstatic when she reacted with love and humor to their whine. He wants to meet her wolf.

After that video, I called back the next day, stating I wanted a progress report on the wolf that had been sold. This became a daily call, then more as I continued conversing with her.

I researched the Mahani and tried to find out more about the mysterious Alpha One. While our archives had quite a bit on them in general, I found nothing on her specifically.

I quickly realized that she had a warped sense of humor, and she even sent the video of what she did to her sister's mating ceremony.

It is against the Mahani rules for her to give me her real name, so we compromised on a nickname.

I call her Snow.

She had mentioned in one of our many conversations how she loves snow and cold weather. Her hair is dyed such a white color that it almost appears blue in specific lighting. The name was perfect for her.

My heart soared when I asked her to tell me where she most liked to visit. The Arctic! I questioned how she felt about being so far from a human town. She replied that she'd never been to one.

Oh, my Goddess! She is perfect.

I'm now on her land, greeting one of the seven Mahani Blood Alphas. I'm a little intimidated, and I don't like that feeling. Neither does my wolf.

"Good day to you, Blood Alpha Cooper." Be nice, I tell my wolf. You want Snow, don't you? He quiets down, but doesn't like the presence of the powerful wolf in front of him. I inhale the scents of the two Mahani wolves in front of me. My wolf relaxes and drinks in her smell.

"Good day to you." He replies. As I go to shake his hand, I feel a power roll through me and freeze momentarily. He let go normally, so I'm still trying to figure out what happened.

"I believe you've met my daughter. And please, call me Sam."


"Hi." Snow greets me and also holds out her hand. I reach for it absent-mindedly while still reeling. My thoughts focus suddenly. Her hand is cold. Too cold.

I glance back at him and then turn to her. They look nothing alike. My mind checks all this information twice before coming to a far-fetched conclusion.

Before I can speak my thoughts, we all turn toward the sound of a loud cry. Coming toward us at full sprint is a red wolf puppy. Behind it is a massive pack wolf. I'd guess an Alpha or Beta. My mind registered the puppy, confirming its earlier thoughts.

They both slowed and shifted, fully clothed, just as they reached us.


I am very familiar with that whine.

"Charlie is missing!" She continues as I take in the Alpha smell mixed with Beta.

Blood Alpha Cooper turns to the male pack wolf, who is holding onto the now sobbing girl. I checked again. Beta and Alpha.

"We left him in our room before breakfast, on the bed. I searched the entire room." He said as he rubbed her back.

"Was the room cleaned?" He asked.

"There were no scents but ours." The pack wolf stated while picking up the Little. Wait a minute. There is no Omega smell, and they are mated. She...she...oh no.

"Why do you smell like you are mated?!" My wolf was instantly furious. She's a made Little, which makes it ten times worse.

"It's okay," Snow said softly, touching my arm. "I'll explain later. I promise. Right now, we need to find her stuffed bear, Charlie."

"Hang on." Blood Alpha Cooper pulls out his phone and taps several times. "With you being newly mated, they would have worn the suits that prevent scents. Ah. Here it is. He's in the laundry room."

The Little practically leaps out of her mate's arms to see the phone.

"You have a tracker on him?!"

"Of course I do, sweetheart." He hums as he kisses her head.

"Come on!" She yells as she shifts quicker than I've ever seen before and takes off, her mate behind her.

"Never a dull moment. Since you have two Littles yourself, you know the struggle." He chuckles while watching me closely.

"She's a made Little and Elemental? How?" I demanded.

"She was born into a pack," Snow tells me. "They sold her when they found the Mahani DNA."

I stared at my feet momentarily as I got myself under control.

"Are they all dead?" I asked without looking up.

"Yes." That one word calmed me. With a big inhale, I looked up at Snow, who had stars in her eyes. Her wolf likes me, too. I decided to state my thoughts aloud as I turned to her father.

"From what I've read, Elementals are usually rejected. Being a Little, it would have killed her. I'm glad you found a way around it." I turned back to Snow before continuing. "I'll guess that you are also an Elemental. Due to your coloring and love of cold, I'd say water."

I saw her face fall, and she looked at her feet. I couldn't allow that, so I turned back to her father.

"Since the pack wolf is still a wolf, there is a way to have an Elemental as a mate. Is it only fated, or can you do it for a choice mating?"

Her head shot back up, and the tears in her eyes gutted me.

But, yeah. She's my Luna.


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