Recházame - 🐰

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Lee Know X Reader
Recházame : Reject me in Spanish


love and heartache, deeply in love, or so they thought. Their relationship had always been intense, filled with passionate moments and fiery arguments. But no matter how tough things got, they always found a way back to each other or so they thought they found their way.
That night, as they sat in their small apartment, Lee Know noticed a change in Y/N demeanor. She seemed distant, lost in her thoughts. Concerned, he asked her what was wrong, but she brushed it off, saying it was nothing.
Days turned into weeks, Deep down, they knew that their love had become toxic, suffocating them both.
One evening, after yet another heated argument, Tears streaming down her face, she confessed to Lee Know that she loved him, but staying together was slowly destroying them.
"This is too much, Minho. I can't take this anymore. I love you but I don't think this will work". Y/n said as she trying not sob again. Lee know was shocked and devastated, unable to comprehend the depths of Y/N pain. He had been oblivious to their toxic dynamic, believing their love was invincible. Although they decided to break up, their love for each other didn't fade away.

Two year's later you were standing in front of a cafe not sure to enter as you felt uneasy in your stomach."We ended things, it the best for us." I say to myself as I enter the cafe where all of old classmates are meeting up. I brought my boyfriend, Han as we walk up to the table I see Minho with his girlfriend talking each other. I took I deep breath as I was about to say something Han said "Hey, How are you guys! As he took his seat and pat a seat next to him for you to sit. You took your seat as everyone talk about life, jobs, Goal, Family, and Relationship's.

Relationship. Those words are making remember the past with Minho, All the time Minho ignoring you, you canceling plan on him last minute. All those augment that was never solved alway left for the next day. Seeing the feel for Minho was alway there, but you need let those emotions out to be honest about yourself you really never healed by you past relationship. You always dream those augments that was never solved wish that you two solved them. Han waved his hand in front of your face to make you snap out of your daydream. "Hey, angel you alright?" Han said. " Y-yeah, I just remember something". As you respond- as you get cut off by someone. "Hey Y/n, how your relationship with Han, as we heard the "New's"" Eun-Woo said. "Uhh-everything going alright, just a little overwhelmed with stress from mid-terms that all. One of your classmate gave Eun-Woo a good small smack behind his head for saying that as everyone knew about the break up except Han and Minho girlfriend, as you look at Minho he was looking at your eye he knew the looks at your eye as nobody did. Sorrow and love at the same time, he ask you to talk out side and you agreed.

"Seem you haven't healed." He said with clam tone. He knew, that one of your weaknesses when come to Minho always reading your face and body language.
"What do you need to say?" As you look back at the cafe window as you classmate look out trying to figure out what are you talking about. See his girlfriend making eye contact with you, you realized it about the past was it worth waiting and destroy your relationship with Han? No! It not worth cry about. " I know you want to go back to the past, but I already have a girlfriend and you already have a boyfriend." "But-" as he cut you off.
"We need to move from the past this will affect on us in the future." As he finish. "Before you cut me off wanted to be honest, I wish we go back and fix our relationship that we had before any of this toxic mess we had. I want to move on from you but it seem I can't." You took a deep breath and try not to blow up or burst into tears. As you took something out of your pocket, it was the necklace that Lee Know gave you for you first year anniversary. "Here, having this with me won't help me move on from you." You gave him the necklace as weight became less in your shoulder. You felt better about your self, but Lee Know took the necklaces he felt something a heart breaking feeling remembering the day you broke down in front of him tear sliding down your face trying to hold the sound of the sobs.
"I'm Graduating this year" you said as he break out of the moment. "I'm moving away with Han as I got a job" you finish your sentence. " Moving away to where? Graduating?" Lee Know alway knew you wanted to graduate and work in your dream field but he alway trying hold you back from it. He never like moving away to different area as for you willing to try different places. " Yes, Lee Know I achieved what you alway holding me back, and this will be our last meeting.
As you turn back to walk back inside Lee Know tried to stop you to go in but failed. As he said to himself "My Heart is still there." The first snowflake fall from the sky land on his hand he look their was a piece a paper it was a letter that you wrote he read the tittle Recházame.
Hey Minho,
You fell in love with me and I fell for you,You made me smile.
Knowing the situation and that we both have our love
We live hidden to listen to our song.
Our love has to end here, I don't want to but that's the way it is
Even though my heart hurts, reject me.
It's becuase I can't accept your love, forget about me
Even though it hurts us one must accept that pain.
It's because you have your woman and I have my boyfriend. I though about reconnecting but
not me, I don't want to be unfaithful, the temptation will kill me.
And understand my love, That with me you are happy but I can't carry on like that
We will end up suffering our love has to end here
I hope you can remake your relationship better than ours
- (Y/n L/n)


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