5. Passing

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"Last night. I- I saw you here." She pointed at him with her index finger. "You did it. Why? They didn't have anything to take."

The young man was silent. "I didn't kill them."

"Look. I, I just came here to pick up the vase." she walked grabbing the vase before heading back out, "For someone whose accusing me of stealing from a family. You sure are quick to take from the dead."

The woman froze in place with the vase still in her arms. "I have to. Whenever someone from this village passes away. Or if I recognize one I have to bring it back.

"If you don't?" He asked, wanting to hear the reason behind such an odd demand. "I-, I can't say anything." The woman ran off with the vase in arms.
With everyone at the funeral there would have been no one around to see her taking the vase. "So she was forced to pick up the vase while everyone else was at the funeral. I shouldn't focus too much on them. But is she aware of what she's doing? Working with a demon, picking up the vases once the demon devours the victims." He forced himself to look away from the woman who ran in the opposite direction. Forced himself to move forward and search for the demon.

The fight to keep himself focused on the task at hand rather than the strong emotions that gnaw at him whenever he sees the woman with the mask. Every hour he spends searching for the demon the itch of decapitating the artist grows. The vase maker is low scum.

Finding himself to be drawn near your stall. It was obvious that he was lingering near their business for some time. Wondering not too far or elsewhere.

The vase maker is never around during the night hours. Leaving the woman trapped inside the hut until morning. A small break window was her only view of the sky. A moon so full there was no shadow for the building to cast.

When the silver moon was all her eyes could grasptl the silhouette of a body broke her focus. Gasping in shock to see him elegantly jumping towards her hut. The sound of his feet were unheard.

From above the rooftop he was in a chase after the demon. There is nowhere for the demon to hide.
Rushing to his target the scales of the tail disappeared behind the corner of a home. Jumping over the house to land on the other side finding nothing.

"Keeps disappearing."

Screams of another family being attacked caused the woman from her hut to panic. The screams are close to her hut. The walls were banging, shaking the wooden hut from the force. Whatever it was it sounded like it wanted to get into her hut.

"Help us please!" The family shouted.

Making it to the hut realizing where this attack was taking place. So close to the woman's hut!

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