7) bloodletting

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After finding out Olivia was missing Klaus went to the compound. He sped in and snapped a girl's neck ruining Marcel's mood.

"Good evening I'd like a word" Klaus said. "What do you think you're doing" Marcel asked. "It appears we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs" Elijah said coming in with Hayley who refused to stay at the house.

"We haven't met in Hayley" Hayley said to Marcel. "We've come here for Olivia give her to us or we kill everyone here starting with you" Elijah said.

"You two got a lot of nerve coming into my home and making demands" Marcel said. "Your home is it" Klaus asked.

"Olivia I will not ask again" Elijah said. "You mean Klaus's best friend" Marcel said.

"Why is she so important anyway" Marcel asked. "Like you said she's my best friend you know how sentimental I am about old friends" Klaus said.

"Well I ain't got her I wouldn't do that to Davina after all she is her sister and before you start whining I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight I was feeling nostalgic so I took a trip out the plantation where I used to be a slave and imagine my surprise when I realized that the original family of vampires had taken up residence your girl Olivia answered the door we exchanged hellos that was it you don't believe me look around I'll even help you find her" Marcel said.

"But the question I'd ask is if Olivia isn't here then where is she" Marcel asked.


Olivia was in the truck with ropes tied around her that she could easily get out of, but she was more focused on getting out of the car without hurting her baby.

She looked at the driver before laying back down. She started to kick at the window breaking it when the car stopped.

Someone opened the trunk, and she went to kick when they stopped her. "Seriously" Olivia heard a familiar voice say and Olivia looked seeing Tyler. "Ty" Olivia said confused.

"You don't want to fight me Olivia you of all people know you can't beat a hybrid" Tyler said.

"If I was able to, I could take you and you know that" Olivia said and Tyler grabbed her.

"Let me go Ty let me go" Olivia said. "Shut up" Tyler said and put her over his shoulder while Olivia kept trying to get down.


Tyler put Olivia down against the wall. Olivia looked around not recognizing where she was.

"What is this place" Olivia asked. "The armpit of Louisiana" Tyler said. Tyler pulled out a knife as Olivia saw.

"What are you gonna do with that" Olivia asked. "Depends on you" Tyler said. "Tyler I'm your cousin" Olivia said standing up. "Attacking your cousin and ambushing them in her own back yard isn't very family like if you ask me" Olivia said.

"It's not your backyard it's Klaus's" Tyler said. "You're shacked up in a mansion with your psycho friend" Tyler said.

"It's not the first time" Olivia said. "Yeah, believe me I know" Tyler said. "Tyler a lot has happened since the last time I saw you" Olivia said. "You mean like how you're pregnant" Tyler said and Olivia stayed silent.

"A hybrid baby yeah I know all about it" Tyler said. "Ty" Olivia said.

"Your father would be ashamed of you first falling for a Mikaelson then sleeping with one and now your pregnant your lucky he doesn't see the disappointment you are" Tyler said as Olivia held back tears.

"Is that her" Dwayne asked Tyler coming over. "Yeah, Dwayne, get her inside" Tyler said. "Tyler, Tyler" Olivia said as Dwayne led her inside.


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