4) magic bullet

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Lyla was at her locker when Scott and Stiles came up. "Hey Lyla, where were you last night" Scott asked her. "Yeah, we tried calling" Stiles said.

"Why to tell me about Scott's date" Lyla asked. "Yeah" Scott said. "I was out with Derek left my phone at home" Lyla told them. "Why were you with Derek" Stiles asked.

"Cause he's my friend unlike you two idiots" Lyla said angrily.

"Why are you so upset" Stiles asked her. "What was yesterday besides Scott's date" Lyla asked them, and their eyes widened.

"Your birthday we completely forgot" Scott said. "Yeah, you did but Derek who is actually worthy of being my friend took me out" Lyla said.

"We are so sorry Lyla" Stiles said. "I figured you'd understand cause of Allison" Scott said.

"Why would I understand that I get she's your girlfriend and things change but not everything has to be about her I swear that's all I ever hear anymore" Lyla said.

"You seem to forget that I was there for you before she was" Lyla said and Scott felt guilty.

"See you at lunch" Lyla said leaving to catch up with Erica.


Lyla was at her locker when she saw Derek, walk up next to her. "Have you seen Scott" Derek asked Lyla, and he looked like he was in pain.

"I tried asking who I assume is your brother and he accused me of steroids I might have accidentally scratched him" Derek admitted.

"It's okay he probably deserved it and no I haven't at least not since this morning" Lyla said.

"Are you okay" Lyla asked him. "Not really I was shot with some kind of bullet" Derek said. "Come on let's try to find Scott" Lyla said helping him stand.


Lyla and Derek couldn't find Scott, but they found Stiles as they went to stand in front of the jeep scaring him a little.

Derek fell down as Lyla bent down trying to steady him while Scott and Stiles came over.

"What are you doing here" Scott asked him. "I was shot" Derek told him. "He's not looking so good dude" Stiles said. "You think" Lyla asked sarcastically.

"Why aren't you healing" Scott asked him. "I can't it was- it was a different kind of bullet" Derek said. "A silver bullet" Stiles asked.

"No, you idiot" Derek said. "Wait, wait that's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours" Scott said. "What" Derek said. "Who, who said 48 hours" Derek asked Scott.

"The one who shot you" Scott said and then Derek's eyes glowed blue. "What are you doing" Scott asked. "Stop that" Scott said.

"You think he has a choice you idiot he wouldn't have come here if he did" Lyla yelled at Scott.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm the only smart one here" Lyla said.

"Derek get up" Scott said helping him up while Lyla helped Scott put him in the passenger side of Stiles car while Lyla got in the back sending Jackson a quick text that she was riding with Stiles.

"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used" Derek said. "How am I supposed to do that" Scott asked.

"She's an Argent she's with them" Derek said. "Why should I help you" Scott asked making Lyla glare at him. "Would you for once forget about your stupid girlfriend " Lyla asked.

"I thought you two were friends" Scott said. "Barely"" Lyla said.

"Because you need me" Derek said changing the subject. "Fine I'll try" Scott said to Derek.

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