12) code breaker

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At this point Lyla was giving up on being saved but she kept fighting to stay awake. 

Because she knew if she didn't, she'd never see her brother again and her brother meant more to her than anything.

When all of a sudden, Lyla heard a howl she saw Derek's eyes glow as he howled back telling Scott where they were.


"So, I brought some help, but I need to warn you I used to play in college" the guy said going to hit Derek before Derek grabbed it.

"I brought a little help too" Derek said before knocking him out.

"Scott help me with this" Derek said desperately trying to get to Lyla. "No" Scott said. "What" Derek said. "Not until you tell me how to stop Peter" Scott said.

"You really wanna talk about this right now Lyla is barely holding on" Derek said as she struggled to stay awake.

"He's going after Allison and her family he's going to kill them" Scott said.

"So, what" Derek said. "So, tell me how to stop him" Scott said.

"You can't alright now I don't know when Kate's coming back so just get me out of this right now, get me out right now" Derek said trying to get the handcuff off.

"Promise you'll help me" Scott said. "You want me to risk my life for your girlfriend for your stupid little teenage crush that means absolutely nothing you're not in love Scott your 16 years old you're a child" Derek said.

"Do you ever think about anyone besides tour stupid girlfriend it's like your obsessed with her you even forgot my birthday for a stupid date it's like I don't matter to you anymore or maybe i never did" Lyla said.

"Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister right, he lied remember this" Scott asked showing a picture.

"This is what brought your sister back to Beacon hills right" Scott asked. "Where did you get that" Derek asked.

"My boss told me three months ago someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture do you wanna know who it was Peter's nurse they brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the alpha and that's why your gonna help me" Scott said turning around.

"Just say you'll help me, and I'll help you unlock your other" Scott said before Lyla and Scott heard a handcuff breaking and saw Derek broke the handcuff.

"I'll help you" Derek said before getting Lyla lose catching her. "Try to stay awake if not for me for your brother" Derek said.

"Okay" Lyla said. "I'm never leaving your side ever again" Derek said.

"I can't believe you didn't even try to get her loose cause all you care about is your hunter girlfriend" Derek said glaring at Scott.

Scott looked at Lyla guilty knowing he should have helped instead of just watching her barely hold on.


"Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on something doesn't feel right" Derek said holding onto Lyla.

"What do you mean" Scott asked. "It feels" Derek started to say but Scott interrupted. "No don't say too easy people say too easy and bad things happen" Scott said.

"Do you think finding you both was easy getting away from Allison's dad" Scott asked. "None of this has been easy" Scott said.

"Fine your right" Derek said. "Thank you" Scott said then an arrow shot Derek. "Scott your eyes" Derek said but Scott was too busy focused on Allison to listen.

So, Derek and Lyla helped him the best they could. "Get up let's go" Derek said helping Scott.

"Scott go" Lyla tried to warn Scott. "Allison I can explain" Scott said as she went to him. "Stop lying for once stop lying" Allison said.

"I was gonna tell you the truth at the formal I was gonna tell you everything because everything that I said everything that I did" Scott said. "Was to protect me" Allison said.

"Yes" Scott said. "I don't believe you" Allison said. "Thank god now shoot him before I have to shoot myself" Kate said walking to Allison.

"You said we were just gonna catch them" Allison said. "What a surprise she lied" Lyla said weakly.

"We did that now we're gonna kill them" Kate said going to shoot Lyla but Derek moved her away getting shot himself.

"See not that hard" Kate said going to Scott. "Oh no I know that look that's the, your gonna have to do it yourself look" Kate said pointing a gun to Scott.

"Kate, Kate what are you doing" Allison asked trying to stop her but Kate pushed her.

"I love those brown eyes" Kate said. "Kate, I know what you did put the gun down" Argent said making his presence known. "I did what I was told to do" Kate said.

"No one asked you to murder innocent people there were children in that house ones who were human look what you're doing now you're holding a gun at a 16-year-old boy nearly killing a teenage human girl who's not even supernatural with no proof they spilled human blood we go by the code nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent" Argent said.

"We hunt those who hunt us" Allison said. "Put the gun down before I put you down" Argent said after shooting a tree behind Kate.

Then all of a sudden there was a gust of wind everywhere as they looked. "Allison get back" Argent said. "What is it" Allison asked. "It's the alpha" Scott said getting up glowing his eyes.

"Come on, come on" Kate said trying to shoot it but missed and Peter came to her making her run out of bullets before going in the house. "No" Allison said following her.

"Stay here" Lyla heard a familiar voice say and she looked to see Derek.

"You're okay" Lyla said hugging him. "I'm okay I'll be back stay here" Derek said, and she agreed while he pulled away from the hug and left with Scott.


Soon enough the Alpha along with Scott and Derek were outside fighting and Stiles pulled up when Jackson came out. "Jackson" Lyla said, and Jackson noticed her.

"Lyla" Jackson said back shocked to see her injuries. Stiles tried to throw the liquid at Peter, but Peter caught it.

"Allison" Scott said tossing her bow and arrow. Allison caught it and shot the bottle causing Peter to go on fire and Jackson threw the other one.

Lyla zoned out of Scott and Allison's conversation too focused on Derek as she walked up to him.

"Wait you said the cure comes from the one who bit you Derek if you do this, I'm dead her father her family" Scott said once he made his way to Lyla and Derek.

"What am I supposed to do" Scott asked trying to stop Derek but he already decided.

"Wait no, no don't" Scott said but it was too late as Derek looked at them. "I'm the alpha now" Derek said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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