10) kidnapped

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"Stiles, Stiles, has anyone seen Stiles, Stiles, has anyone seen Stiles or even Lyla " Scott asked looking for Stiles and Lyla when Allison bumped into him looking at him letting out a giggle.

"Uh you were pretty awesome out there" Allison said. "Thanks, you too, I mean that's not what I meant" Scott said.

"No, no, I did some pretty awesome cheering you can thank me" Allison said. "You did" Scott asked. "Totally I went from go team go to defense, defense without a breath I brought my A game" Allison said.

"State, state, state, state" one of the players came up and said while Allison left, and Scott glared at him while he walked away chanting still.

"Oh, isn't that just heartbreaking" Jackson said going over to him. "Gosh I bet it causes a lot of sleepless nights you know what though McCall I actually sympathize which is why I'm gonna make this mutually beneficial you give me what I want and uh I'll help you get her back" Jackson said.

"What" Scott said. "Well three days makes it just in time for the winter formal uh think about you taking her instead of me and also think about all the things you have to do to get her out of some tight little dress by the end of the night see how this could work out for everybody three days McCall now if you excuse me I'm going to see if my sister is home have fun" Jackson said leaving.


Scott was in the locker room with a towel wrapped around him heading to his locker.

"By the way McCall apology accepted" Danny said. "I didn't apologize" Scott said. "Every time you got the ball tonight you passed it to me" Danny said.

"Every time I passed the ball to you, you scored" Scott said. "Apology accepted" Danny said leaving.

All of sudden the lights turned off "Danny" Scott asked and when he got no response he went to see if the lights would turn on and when they didn't, he saw a ball roll in and then he went to it.

Scott grabbed it looking around the corner seeing Derek and Lyla. Derek was in front of Lyla protectively as Scott noticed.

"Where have you two been, do you have any idea what's going on" Scott asked.

"Scott" Lyla said and then Peter walked in holding a lacrosse stick while Derek and Lyla looked at him and so did Scott. "I really don't get Lacrosse" Peter said.

"It's you" Scott said realizing Peter was the alpha. "When I was in high school, we played basketball there's a real sport" Peter said, and Scott looked at Derek and Lyla.

"Still, I read somewhere that lacrosse comes from Native Americans tribes and that they played to resolve conflict" Peter said and Scott looked back at him.

"Do I have that right hm" Peter asked. "I have a little conflict of my own to resolve Scott, but I need your help to do it" Peter said.

"I'm not helping you kill people" Scott said. "Well, I don't want to kill all of them just the responsible ones and that doesn't have to include" Peter said before looking at Derek and Lyla. "Allison" Derek said.

"You're on his side are you forgetting about the part where he killed your sister" Scott asked. "It was a mistake" Derek said.

"What" Scott said. "It happens" Derek said. "And what about Lyla she's not a werewolf" Scott asked.

"She can be useful" Peter said. "Useful" Scott asked.

"You be amazed what this girl would do just to keep the people she loves alive" Peter told Scott.

"Scott, I think you're getting the wrong impression of us we really just want to help you reach your full potential" Peter said.

"By killing my friends" Scott stated. "Sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones holding you back the most" Peter said. "If their holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut job like you I'm okay with that" Scott said.

Peter walked closer to Scott causing Lyla to worry and Derek made sure she stayed behind him.

"Maybe you could try and see things" Peter said letting his claws come out. "From my perspective" he said before sticking them in the back of Scott's neck.

Peter extracted them after a minute while Scott fell to the ground and as bad as Lyla wanted to help Scott, she knew she couldn't

Lyla then left with Derek and Peter knowing if she didn't there was a chance Peter would go after Erica.


"You sure you want to stay here" Derek asked Lyla as they were in his room at the Hale family house.

"I can't go home and put my brother or parents in danger" Lyla said. "Won't they come looking for you" Derek asked.

"I'll just say, I'm staying at a friend's for a couple days they won't notice much not if Jackson is the star" Lyla said.

"You sure you don't want me to help with Jackson" Lyla asked him.

"I want you less involved as much as possible when Jackson comes stay out of sight go see Lydia or Erica just stay safe" Derek said, and Lyla nodded.


The next day Lyla did as Derek said and went walking to Erica's when someone came in front of her. "Well, you could be useful" she said.

Why does everyone keep saying that Lyla thought before the woman knocked Lyla out causing her to go unconscious.


Lyla woke up seeing she was chained against a wall trying to break free. Knowing it was no use she looked to notice Derek was beside her.

"Lyla" Derek said realizing it was Lyla. "Derek" Lyla said.

"What are you doing here" Derek asked her. "I don't know I was heading to Erica's then some blonde came to me and knocked me out" Lyla told Derek.

"Kate" Derek said groaning. "Her name is Kate, Kate Argent" Derek said and then who Lyla assumed is Kate came in with Allison.

"Aren't they beautiful" Kate asked Allison and Lyla stared wide eyed at her while Allison looked at her in shock.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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