Chapter 17 Fight Me, Bra!

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(This chapter name was inspired by my friend because she says this all the time. i mean seriously! some people who know her tell me that its annoying, but i love it! whenever she says "Fight me!" it just makes me laugh, especially when she says it at random times. like when she sees a strange picture. OK just wanted to point that out, please continue reading)

"Kari, why are you with this...mute?" Davis said in disgust.

"He's not a mute! Davis, he can actually talk!" Kari spat.

"Oh really? I'd like to see this happen."

'A mute? Is that what everyone is calling me at school?' I thought.

"Come on Mr. Mute talk, show me what you can do. If you can make Kari fall all over you, show me. What are your 'special' moves?" Davis said mocking me.

Kari didn't look at me, or Davis. She just stared off in the sand and I think I heard her sniffle. Davis didn't seem to notice, he just continued.

"See Kari, he can't talk, you must be dreaming or something. Now come with me and I'll show you what a real man is like."

Kari just sat there doing nothing. It was like she died. Then I realized, she technically did die. I could see, her heart didn't just break, it exploded. Davis just dropped a nuclear "heart break" bomb on her heart. It's now in ashes and nothing is left. Her chest is now a ghost town with a sign saying: 'welcome to me broken heart.'

I finally got the strength to move and what I did with that strength, was pick up all of our stuff and Kari. I walked the whole way home holding Kari, bridal style.

When I walked in the apartment, Davis was sitting on the couch. Everyone was in the kitchen sitting quietly.

I put the stuff down on the counter and walked to Davis. He looked up, glaring. I put Kari on his lap, but he still seemed mad.

I walked out of the apartment and went to the gym to play basketball. It usually relaxes me when I'm not myself.


I shot baskets for several hours. It was late, so I took a break.

'Mute?' I thought, 'is that what everyone thinks of me? Is that what they all call me when they are referring to me? A mute? Does Jake know about this? I mean he is pretty popular. Everyone only wanted to talk to him and not me. Is that because they didn't want to call me a mute to my face?'

Then someone sat next to me.

"Did you know that everyone at school calls me a mute?" I asked him.

He nods slowly.

"Davis broke Kari's heart today. That's why we came home early. I was going to comfort her, but Davis showed up randomly before I got to the apartment."

"TK run away. Davis is coming to beat you up and I don't want to see the president of the new host club be in any more pain."

"Jake, you're so nice, but I deserve this. I deserve all this pain. I messed up, big time, and for right now I just need to forget about it all."

"Wow! So the mute can talk!" I heard Davis's voice echo off the walls.

He walked to me and stopped, then he quickly pinned me to the wall.

'I deserve this,' I thought, 'and I'm not afraid. I mean this is better than beating on Kari. She just doesn't know what to do with her life. She's just confused.'

Davis pulled his fist back and when he was about to punch my face someone whistled, which made Davis stop and look around.

To my left there was a boy with a dark blue bandanna on his head and he was in a fighting stance.

"Hey Davis! Don't start a new fight when you can't end the first one! I told you, you mess with my brother again you're gonna pay! And now, it's paying time." the boy said.

He came at a quick speed and pinned Davis to the ground. The boy was punching him at a rapid speed, too.

Another boy that looked like the one in the bandanna walked next to me and asked if I was ok. I nodded.

"So I don't think we officially met, I'm Kouichi." he said to me. "Don't worry I already know both your names. TK right? And Jake."

"Wow your good." Jake said surprised.

"Oh no, Cogi talks about you both all the time, but manly he just rants on how quiet you are and how popular you are."

"Oh coo- wait, is that a good thing?" Jake was confused again.

Kouichi just chuckled and looked over towards Davis and the boy that must be Cogi.

"Cogi your over doing it again." he said with a sad face.

"No! He needs to be taught a lesson!"


Cogi then stopped punching Davis and got off of him. He walked to us and put his elbow on his brother's shoulder.

"Hey you're in my PE class, aren't you?" Cogi asked me.

I nodded.

Then he looked at Jake and said, "So are you really French?"

"Yeah, I usually don't speak it around people who don't understand it, though."

Then Cogi and Kouichi looked at each other and nodded.

"Hey do you want us to walk you both home?" Kouichi asked.

Jake and I nod so we start walking toward my house.

It was weird, before tonight I hadn't really thought about the new host club until Kouichi talked with me. The way he calmed his brother down was amazing! I have never seen Cogi calm down that quickly, usually he screams at everyone until he finally tries to calm down.

'The vibe that comes off of Kouichi,' I thought, 'is pumped and exciting, he seems like a cool guy to hang around. Almost like Kaoru and Hikaru.

Cogi is very athletic, I see that in PE. He's mysterious, like Kyoya, strong like Mori, and has an attitude like Haruhi. He can be the cool type! No, that's technically plagiarism. The chill type? Yeah, Cogi the chill type. No! That's just gross sounding.'

Jake interrupted my thoughts saying, "What are you thinking about?"

I totally forgot Cogi and Kouichi were with us so I said, "oh just thinking about the new host club." then I quickly covered my mouth, remembering that the twins were still with us.

We all stopped walking.

"So you really can talk." Cogi said quietly.

"TK what made you think about the new host club now?" Jake asked.

I scratched the back of my head and decided that Cogi and Kouichi should know since I might pick them to be the new members.

"Cogi, Kouichi, i want to tell you guys something but it will take some time to explain. Can I tell you tomorrow?"

They nod in agreement. Then Cogi and I exchanged phone numbers.

"So is this were you live?" Cogi asked pointing to the building to his right.

"Yeah, room 523. Come over whenever you want to tomorrow so I can tell you both."

They both nod again and we depart ways. Jake slept over again but I didn't mind I still needed to forget about everything.

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