Chapter 3 This Crazy French Boy in My House (under construction)

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"Mom who is this creep?" I struggle to ask while trying to pry the boy off me.

we fall to the ground and he hugs me tighter, making it difficult to breathe. I start kicking him and he screams like a little girl. he then starts to slap my chest and arms, leaving red hand marks each time he slaps me.

"Catfight!" he screams and then jabs me in the side.

"Ugh!" I yell in pain, holding my side.

he then starts to laugh. man, what is wrong with this guy! I crawl to get away from him, but he grabs my leg and drags me back to him. he stands up and jumps, landing with his knees on my chest. I gasp for air but I just can't get any, with his knees digging into my chest, my lungs aren't able to get air. After a little bit, I could tell that my face was turning purple.

"that's enough, Jake, now get off him." mom said a little worried.

Jake frowned and gets off me. I gasped again and was finally able to get air. Jake then started to twirl around like a ballerina. It was weird, but I'm not going to lie; he was good.

I sit up and stare at Jake. I think I figured out this guys problem and I'm not interested.

"TK, this is Jake, he will be staying with us for a while." my mom said.

"Great." I whined, "I have homework I need to do. Mom, can I use your laptop if you're not using it? I have a project I need to do for math."

"Oh! is it that yearly project where groups talk about well-known mathematician's?" My mom asked.

I nod.

"Who's your partner this year?"

'Kari.' I thought, 'Kari, the girl I'm in love with. But I can't say that it's embarrassing!'

I lowered my gaze and walking into my mom's office to grab her laptop. I looked around and chuckled; the life of a journalist. Papers, books, and magazines were tossed on the floor with past newspaper pages scattered over the few tables in the room. Several multi-colored post-it notes were stuck to the three computer monitors that my mom got on sale at Best Buy.

"There it is," I said spotting the laptop. It was under some paper scraps and a Starbucks coffee mug, that still had some coffee left in it.

I brought the laptop to the living room and sat on the couch that was a crossed from where mom and Jake were sitting.

I quickly typed in the computer password: Pizzapiecafe700 and smiled. Pizza Pie Cafe is my mom's favorite pizza restaurant, in fact, that's the only place my mom ever goes to get pizza. I don't mind, though, because the variety is better than any other pizza restaurant I've seen.

Someone knocks on my door an hour later. I sniff and said, "What?"

It was Matt, he came in and said, "Hey you OK? Jake said he'll leave if you want him to. Do you want him to leave or stay?"

I shook my head, "no he can stay if he wants to and I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I just don't know what came over me I'm really sorry and I was mean to everyone today, not just Jake."

"Well what's up why are you mad?" He asked sitting next to me on my bed.

"Well I guess it started 2 weeks ago when I went to the host club."

I told Matt the whole story of how Tamaki wanted me to start a host club so I could help spread the love around.

After I finished Matt said, "Well, do you want to give it a try? I mean it won't hurt and what it sounded like to me is, you can pick anyone you want to be in your host club. Hey you can even name it if you like!"

"What else can I name it other than 'The Host Club'?"

Matt chuckled a little and said, "I don't know, but it's your club not mine. Anyways, do you want frozen hot chocolate?"

I smiled and nod my head. Matt always knows how to cheer me up.

We exit my room. Matt goes to the kitchen to make the snack and I sit next to Jake on the couch.

"I'm really sorry Jake I shouldn't have punched you. It's just that, well you see, Tamaki asked me to make another host club for him, but I'm shy, really shy. At school I'm a straight 'A' student but I have no participation points whatsoever. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, whenever I meet new people I freak and I'm not myself. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you."

"Hm that's OK so, do you want to start the host club?"

"Yeah, why not. I'll give it a try."

"So do you know all the people you're going to ask?"

"No not yet, but I'm going to have to look really hard if I want to get good people in the host club. Actually now since I'm thinking about it, I might know one person who would love to join the host club and help me out."

"Really? Who is it?" Jake asked, not knowing what I'm going to say next.

"Hey Jake would you like to join my host club?"

"Me?" Jake asked surprised.

"Yes you, you're the only 'Jake' in this room aren't you?"

Then it was silent, there wasn't even a sound in the kitchen. I saw Jakes smile grow each second we sat there.

"Well?" I said, trying to get an answer, but I already knew what he would say.

Jake nods so fast that it makes me dizzy watching him.

You know making a host club might not be that bad, actually I think it will be fun. Let's hope that I can find people that I can get along with and that I don't feel shy around. I guess I could pick nice people that I can be myself around. Yeah, that is a great idea.

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