Chapter 2 Why Can't I Control Myself?

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Brrrrriiiiiiing brrriiiing.

'finally,' I thought, putting my dull pencil on the desk.

Mrs. Willo wanted the class to work on solving functions as fast as we could in ten minutes, and see how many we could get right.

I looked around. Some people didn't get past number three, others skipped numbers 8, 12, 27 and 30. Those were supposed to be the hard problems, but I whipped them out faster than the others.

A girl behind me stood up raising her hand and said, "ah Mrs. Willo I'm half way through the last problem, would you count that?"

Mrs. Willo determines most of our grade on how well we do on the "time trials." 75 percent of our grade is determined by them, 20 percent on the end of the year test and 5 percent goes towards everything else.

On the time trial, if you get half of the problems right you get a "C," more than half "B," and if you get all of the problems right, then you get an "A." No exceptions are allowed, either.

I snicker from my seat, 'no exceptions,' I thought.

"Oh like you did any better!" She shouted pushing up her round glasses.

I flipped to the other side of the paper to show her that I finished all 30 questions.

She growled at me, I'm always the best in the class and she's always the second best.

"Yolie, there is no need to get mad just because he finished the whole paper and you didn't." Mrs. Willo said, calling out the Secretary of the student council.

"But I was close!"

"'but' nothing, now sit down you infamous child."

Yolie slowly sat down. I could still feel her glaring at me, even after we were done grading.

"TK?" Mrs. Willo asked, wanting to know the grade I got on my time trial.

"A," I told her.


"B." She growled. Yolie has an A in all of her classes, except math.


I gasped and looked at the girl behind Yolie. Kari, she was so beautiful, but anyone could tell, math was not her strength.

'please,' I thought. 'please tell me you did better this time, please, please, please.'

Kari just sat there in despair, and I knew, she didn't get a good grade.

"OK, Kari you know that if you don't get your grade up, then you can't stay on the student council." Mrs. Willo told her, trying to show some empathy.

Kari just nodded her head slowly. Then a boy next to her patted her head, but it didn't seem to cheer her up. Instead, I think it just made her even sadder. Her boyfriend, Davis, is the president of the student council and she is the vice president.

Mrs. Willo put her grade sheet down and picked up another piece of paper.

"As you all should know, tomorrow all the seventh-grade math teachers will be giving out the assigned projects to each group. Coco, Jack, and Shinya, I know that you three joined this class this quarter, but Jack, you should know what you are doing since you transferred in this class from Mrs. Hobbs. Which means, Coco and Shinya, each quarter the seventh-grade math teachers team up and have a math fair in the cafeteria. It's kind of like a science fair, but the group is assigned a person that they are to do research on. They have to make a visual representation of how their person impacted the world of numbers, either making it better or more complicated. Any questions, cause if not then I will tell you your partners."

Davis raised his hand and asked, "are the upper-class men going to be looking at our projects again this quarter?"

"Of course they are Davis, who else will look at your hard work?" Mrs. Willo replied.

The whole class moaned and groaned. As you can tell, we lower classmen aren't big fans of the upper-class men. No matter what we do, it would never satisfy them. Plus we're smaller and weaker than them, so the big guys have fun bullying us little guys. It also goes the same for the girls, too. No one in my grade likes the big guys, not even me. They all are good for nothing trash, who should be thrown away in an endless trash can.

One time when my mom came to see me work at the school carnival, the guys who were older than me by a year were sucking up to her! The nerve they had to go be nice to my mom and then when she leaves, they go and bully me! What trash! What idiot trash! No one likes them, they all should just die!

"Now stop your complaining and calm down! It is what it is! Or would you like to work on this project by yourselves?" Mrs. Willo shouted, putting her hands on her hips.

The class calmed down, it's not very fun working on projects by yourself, even for me.

"Now, we only have a few minutes left of class so I will quickly read off the list. If you have any questions, see me after class. Davis and Jack, you will be partners. Yolie and Coco. Shinya and Dalen-" she read off the list until she got to the last group. "TK and Kari."

Then the bell rang, and school was finally over. just in time, too, cause I'm going to scream. I didn't want to work with Kari. I mean don't get me wrong, it's not because she's stu- well incapable of doing math. I like her, a lot, and that's why I didn't want to work with her because I don't want to mess up. besides, why would a nice girl like her want to be with a nobody like me?

"...OK, I'll catch up with you in a second." I heard Kari shout to her boyfriend.

I look up at her (cause I was still sitting, packing my bag), and noticed that she still didn't look very happy. she bowed to me, and I think I heard her sniffle a few times.

"I'm sorry," she cried. "you hate me, I know it, and now I'm your partner. you have to bear with me and I'm so sorry. if you want, we can ask to have a partner change so then I don't bring you down a grade. I'm sure that if we both complain then Mrs. Willo will change us to new partners!"

"Oh please!" I snorted. "you just want to be with your boyfriend."

'crap!' i thought, ' what am I saying?'

"No, I don't! I mean I do, but that's not what I meant."

I stood up, chuckling. "man you are one stupid girl, and control yourself, no one likes a crybaby."

'What? now I'm being like those upperclassmen. What am I saying? What am I doing?' I thought, hating myself.

I can't seem to control myself right now. it's as if the puppet master has taken control and I can't stop, no matter what I do! I keep throwing insults at her left and right, but why? "your breath stinks, ever heard of breath mints?" stop. "and your so small, it must be easy for your parents to hide the cookie jar." stop. "you need to learn to stop talking in class, gosh your voice is so annoying." Stop!

"Why do you have to be so mean TK? if you hate me that much then just tell me so then I can leave you alone!"

'But I don't hate your voice, that's my favorite thing about you.'

She was about to run away but I took her by the arm and sat her in my seat, with her back against me.

I leaned into her ear and whispered, "how could I ever hate you? your so beautiful and your voice is actually my favorite part about you. I'm not lying and I'm not trying to be mean, actually, all I ever wanted was to be able to talk to you normally, but now, I've missed my chance. please give me a second chance to be your partner."

Kari nodded in shock, staring at the other side of the room. I then let go of her and grabbed my bag. I walked all the way home smacking myself and saying how much of an idiot I was. except, I realized that when I walked in my apartment, and saw a strange boy with brown hair and blue eyes, sitting and drinking tea with my mom, I wasn't nearly as much of an idiot as this guy was.

as soon as he saw me he ran towards me like a girl saying, "Bonjour monsieur."

Man, I might not hate Kari, but I do hate this foreigner.

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