Chapter 11 Jake's Confused

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I touched my lips for the thousandth time today. I could still taste the strawberries from Kari's lips.  

I'm supposed to be working on my work but I just can't stop thinking about Kari. Man she's so beautiful, with her short brown hair, her sparkling, brown eyes, her creamy, long, tan legs. Her body's great too! It fit perfectly up against mine. But what I love the most about Kari, is her tender voice. It's so sweet and gentle. I swear if Kari's not a goddess I will be so surprised!  

I looked over at Jake, who was right next to me. He seemed a bit happier. He must have read the note. I then looked at Kari, who was on the other side of the room, working on her math alone. 

Mrs. Willo decided to be nice today and let everyone work in a group on their math. Everyone was working with someone but Kari was working alone. Even I was working with Jake. Kari then noticed me but I quickly looked away. 

"What's wrong with you?" Jake said toughing on my sleeve.

"Oh, um nothing. Why would there be anything wrong with me?"

Then someone pulled out the chair next to me and sat down, but I knew exactly who it was. I put my head down on the desk and groaned loudly. 

"Hi I don't think we officially met my names Jake." he said putting his elbows on my back. 

"Hello Jake I'm Kari." she said with that alluring voice of hers. 

I sat up, folded my arms and said, "Kari we have to figure this out now! Isn't this considered cheating?" 

"yup." she said smiling. 

"Wait and you're OK with this!" 

"nope." she said still smiling. 

"TK I'm confused," Jake said, "so Kari, you have a boyfriend right? Then why is it considered cheating if you're just sitting and talking with us boys. Wait I think I get it now! Your boyfriend is Davis right? Well then it's considered cheating because he will get jealous of us. Ha! Me so smart! Funny because the meaning of 'cheating' is different in France than it is here." 

"Jake, the meaning of 'cheating' is probably the same all around the world." I said looking at him with one eyebrow up. 

He put his head on the desk and said, "me confused again." 

"Jake its fine the meaning that you learned from when you were younger is the right meaning and," I rubbed the back of my neck, "and Kari's technically cheating because we were making out at lunch." 

Jake sat up and said, "Awesome! Wait, not awesome. Yes! No, no, no. Wait-" 

"Jake I can tell your gonna make your brain explode so try not to think about it, ok?" I said waving my hand in front of my face. 

"OK." he said but then he made a confused face again. 

Kari and I just laughed at him. I swear Jake is so cool. He made it to where I could hear Kari's laugh, and by the way it's the hottest thing you'll ever hear. Gosh I love Kari so much! 

"Hey TK?" Kari said blushing, "um Davis's parents are going out of town for summer and uh they don't really want us being there alone so they wanted me to stay with one of my friends, so can I stay with you?" 

Though I'm kind of worried on how we can keep this a secret from Davis I still nodded. Man I can't wait for next week, since it is summer break and all. Kari I'm going to show you that I am a better guy than Davis. Just watch I'm going to be making you blush left and right.

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