1: New to Town.

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It felt so miserable being to a new town. After your dad had gotten a new job offer you were forced to move to the UK. And your mom wanted you to be closer to family. You used to live in New York. Most of your family lives in the UK, "Ugh, Mom seriously. Why am I being forced to go to a new school. You know I'm not going to pay attention." You rolled you eyes as you ate your breakfast, "Because, If you're not going to pay attention you wont end up successful." Your mom glared at you. You roll your eyes and finish you breakfast. Your mom was always about success and fulfillment.

After you finish your breakfast you get dressed. You wanted to make an impression. You were a rule breaker. You hated being at school with all of the people and teachers. You picked out a nice outfit. You wore a short sleeved rock band T-shirt with holes on the collar, the bottom, and on the sleeves. You paired that with high waisted jean shorts and ripped fishnets. You put socks on over your tights and put on a pair of black converse. They had scribbles and doodles all over them. You grabbed your backpack. It was a red backpack scattered with drawings, pins, and stickers. 

"Bye, Mom." You waved goodbye to your mom, "Love you. Stop drawing on yourself." she says before you exit the apartment. You roll your eyes and stick out your tongue mockingly.

You made it to your new school. You examined the outside. It had three stories and it was mad out of brick. You sigh and walk into the school. Noises of many many students filled your ears. You shuffled to the office and collected your schedule and student handbook. You make it to your first class and sit there for a while. You look around and sigh. You start talking to a student but they ignored you. You continued to bother them until- "ahem! Sit down and be quiet." The teacher commands. You roll your eyes and mock her. You were immediately sent to the office, "hah new record. Office on the first day" you chuckle and walk to the office. You sit on one of the chairs by the principals office. Another student walks in and angrily plops down on the cair next to you. He had caught your gaze for a moment. His huge black wicks pouring from his scalp. His dark brown skin. His face piercings. The spiked leather jacket and spike bracelets. You look at his pants. The blue suspenders and the bleached and patched pants. He snaps his fingers in front of your face, "Hey! The hell are you staring for? Geezer." He scoffed and folded his arms.

Holy shit...He was hot...


anyways b y ee e e e e

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