5. Outsiders.

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You get to school and of course as usual, You were marked late. You find a seat and sit down. Making a note that Hobie wasn't there. The teacher resumes the class and you begin taking notes. About 10 minutes later, Hobie casually strolls into the classroom, 

"Hobart Brown.. You're late. Take a seat, You're getting detention." The teacher remarked. Hobie shrugs and find the seat next to you. He sits down and then quietly grumbles, 

"Fucker cant just say my name properly..? Its Hobie. Not 'Hobart'" You giggle softly. Hobart. What a stupid and silly name. Hobie's eyes dart toward you, Making note of your giggle,

 "What's so funny..Peng?" He whispers to you. Staring daggers at you. You clear your throat and shake your head, 

"nothing..." you say quietly.

He glares at you then shrugs. Class remains silent and boring for a good 15 minutes before you hear a tapping on your desk. Hobies hand slides away. You watch his black painted fingernails and the rings that decorated them slide away from your desk and back to his. Leaving a piece of paper on your desk. You open it and it read- Oh lord. He was awful at writing. You take a moment to figure out what it said.

"Meet me outside for a smoke after class?" The note read. You look over to Hobie and nod softly. The class resumed. There was that one thought that remained. He called you 'peng' which was the same thing that that punk spider called you..You shake your head. Nah, its probably just a popular british term or something.. The bell rand and Hobie grabbed your wrist and lead you our of the school to the back. 

You stare at him. Wondering what might happen next.

Hello pookies! I'm so sorry ive been dead.. My pc turned to shit but finally started working!!! I'll do my best to be consistent with writing! BYE POOKIES

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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