3: Loverboy

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"You've got a nice name." He says calmly. His smirk was still on his face. It's as if he knew you liked him and he was teasing you. You felt your face getting hot, "uhm- thank you.." You say quietly. He leans his face closer to you. His face was inches away from yours, "You're like every other girl in this school. You fall for me then i break your heart. Sorry, Peng. It's the truth. I wont be falling for you anytime soon." He says and then backs away. 

After you got home you thought about what Hobie said to you. He was a heartbreaker. But you were still crazy for him. It felt like you wanted to make him fall for you. But it was clear that would never happen. But you still wanted to hold out hope that it might.


You woke up the next morning to your alarm. You groan and turn off your alarm on your phone. You sit up and rub your eyes. You stumble out of bed and make your way to the bathroom. You take a quick shower and continue getting ready for the day. After you got dressed you didnt bother eating breakfast. You leave your house and begin walking to school. You ere just wlking when someone bumped into you and snatched your backpack, "HEY GIVE IT BACK!" You shout chasing the man down the street.

will someone interfere..? 


I Don't Believe In Love. (Hobie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now