2: Crush.

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He huffed as he leaned back in his chair. You kept staring at him, you studied him up and down.

'shit..do i like this dude?' 

You say in your head. He looked you up and down and sighed. You could tell he want one that was fond of being stared at. You sat in your chair and continued to glance at him. It was almost as if you were trying to tease him, "Honestly, will you ever stop looking at me? Or do I need to punch your face in?" Hobie says a bit annoyed. You quickly look away from him and blush a bit. Hobie notices your blush. He immediately knew you liked him, "I don't believe in love." Hobie says scoffing. You look over to him, "What?" You say confused. He scoffs and glares down at you. He was a lot taller than you. You could easily pass for a freshman. But you were a senior and so was Hobie. But he was much taller than you. He was about six feet all and you were just under 5'6". 

After you got out of the administrators office you deicide to skip class. You sneak out and go to the back of the school. You look through social media and smoked a cigarette. After a while you hear footsteps and you immediately put your cigarette out and look up. It was Hobie. He seemed to be skipping as well, "Oh Jesus Christ its you again." Hobie sighed and rolled his eyes. You just sat there and stared at him, "Uh- do you want a cigarette..?" You say nervously. Hobie looked down at you a bit surprised, "You smoke..? No way." He looked almost shocked. He sat down next to you and you pulled out a pack of cigarettes and Hobie looked at you puzzled, "How did you get these?" He opens the pack and takes a cigarette out. He pulls a lighter out of the pocket of his leather jacket, "I stole them from my dad." You say quietly. You watch him take a long puff of the cigarette and blow the smoke out of his mouth. You light one as well and take a puff.

After a long smoke you and Hobie stand up and he looks down at you. You looked afraid of him. As if you were cowering in fear, "I'm Hobie. Hobie Brown." He says putting his hands in his leather jacket, "Uhm- I'm (y/n)" He smiled at you. It almost looked like a smirk. You blushed a bit and he looked at you with a full smirk

You were going crazy for him


Anyways- he was wearing skinny jeans, had funky hair and the CUTEST british accent ever!! Straight away i could tell he was a rocker! From his sexy attitude and the way he looked at me. Hmm..He is totally awesome! Oh my god...i think I'm in love. 

no- but seriously i hope you enjoyed!!!

I Don't Believe In Love. (Hobie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now