4: Mystery Man

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You continue chasing the man that stole your backpack.


you finally catch up to the man. You were in an alley. A web shoots down behind the man and latches on his back. He was yanked up and your backpack fell on the floor. You pick it up and a masked man lands on front of you.

"You okay there, Peng*?" 

The masked man says with a deep voice and a thick british accent. Of course he had a british accent you were in the UK.

"uhm- who are you?" 

You say softly. You were a bit nervous. This man looked like a punk. Why are the only people you see punks? Anyways- You look him up and down. You notice the leahehr jacket he was wearing looked familiar.

"Im Spider-Punk. I protect this town. Now get going."

You sigh. He was really tall. And he had spikes on his mask and all the stripes on his mask looked hand drawn. You turn around and walk out of the alleyway. You continued walking to school. Still wondering who this masked man was.

sorry i got lazy and im tired :/

*Peng Definition: British slang for Attractive, Appealing, Or Beautiful. 

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