Chapter 5

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What the Yuuei students didn't know was that their teacher did know they were out past their curfew.

They were waiting for them to come back so that they themselves could go out. Aizawa wanted to be the buzz kill to their fun but Yagi and Yamada convinced him that they were kids that definitely knew how to take care of themselves.

When they realized that the students were out they stayed in because they couldn't have everyone out at once. At least now they were back at the hotel they were in a controlled environment. It would have been bad if the teachers were out and their students tried to call for help and they weren't at the hotel.

Yamada was taking the lead and was headed straight for a building with a flashing woman on it. The heroes hadn't been to a gentleman's establishment in a long time. Between teaching and pro hero work they hardly had time for these types of lesures.

They sat in the center back of the open room. Not at the front of the stage and not too far away to not enjoy the show.

"I forget that aging is different here. I feel a bit uncomfortable watching a young girl who could be my student." All Might admitted to his fellow teachers.

"I agree. But they're not all that young." Yamada said, pointing out a more mature woman as she walked by.

Aizawa didn't speak his thoughts. He wasn't particularly bothered by the age of women. He learned a long time ago that some things you just needed to mentally separate from one another.


When Lynn heard the Japanese she was temporarily excited till she realized that it wasn't who she thought it was. Her heart skipped a beat thinking that Izuku had come back to ask for her number or email or pen pal. OR SOMETHING! Sure he said he would remember her but she wasn't the type of person to want to live off of memories. She wanted to hang out with him outside of this dirty establishment.

She was finishing up a man's order for his 4th strawberry daiquiri. Turning to wait on the next table she felt her ass get slapped. Any other night she wouldn't have cared. It happened all the time. Tonight had started off differently though and she shouldn't have expected the men to continue to be as nice as Izuku was.

Turning her frown upside down she turned to the man and winked. As she walked her way over to the table with foreigners she saw that one of them had been watching her. He didn't appear to be watching her in a creepy sort of way.

Perhaps he was just waiting for her to make it to their table.

"Hello, is there anything I can get for you guys this evening?" She asked while sitting on the edge of their table. She never took off her school girl uniform from earlier. The teachers all noticed the writing on her ass when she took her seat.

Aizawa found it amusing but kept his mouth shut and face natural. Yamada was the one to laugh out loud to the writing.

"I WILL HAVE ANY OF YOUR LOCAL WHISKEY!" He was loud by nature and the humor of the underwear never left him.

"I will have the same." Aizawa.

"A water for myself young lady.", All Might was the last to order.

"Alright then. And is that all or is there anything else that you may need or translated?" She had a warm smile. A smile that when All Might looked around the room felt like it didn't belong.

"Translated? I would like you to know that I am proficient in the English language. I am an English teacher after all." Yamada will admit that he flirted a bit with the young waitress. Why the hell not. It was his idea to go to the club.

Lynn grinned at the long haired blond. She twisted her body so that she was sitting on the table fully now. She faced the flirting man but couldn't help but eye the dark mystery man next to him too.

"Your English is really good Sensei. Maybe you can give me a one on one oral lesson." She spoke in Japanese and finally won a snicker from tall, dark, and handsome.

"Nope. Can't do it. You're the same age and speak the same language as my students." Yamada sat back and lost all amusement in the female.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I don't get to use my quirk very often and you gave me the perfect chance." Lynn suddenly shut her legs so that her underwear wasn't seen by the men.

"Your quirk is linguistics?" The question came from the hot hobo.

"Yep. Not a very cool quirk. Not like the boys that were in here earlier this evening. The one boy short circuited during Tori's lap dance." She laughed thinking back to when Tori was telling her the story about how she thought he had had a heart attack.

The men all looked amongst each other amused. "Oh, Don't worry. He was okay in the end. I was informed afterwards. The staff had a hard time telling his friends that they needed help. I wish that they could have asked me for help but I was too busy in the VIP room with one of the other guys."

Yamada started laughing so hard his sides started to hurt. "Were you stuck with Grape Juice?"

Lynn started to blush and felt the red cover her face and ears. It had never occurred to her that these Japanese men would know the ones that were here earlier.

Aizawa saw the young girls face taint with the realization that we were all connected.

Amused he thought to push this a bit before heading back to the hotel to reprimand them.

"I'm sorry if my student wasn't up to standards. If you'd like I could redeem your experience with an Asian man. Make sure it's an experience to remember." Shota Aizawa knew that he probably shouldn't have taken the advancement that he did but the glassy heated look in her eyes was worth it.

The way the man spoke to her made her lady parts want to tremble. And then she thought about his words.

"That won't be necessary. My experience was definitely one to remember." Lynn found herself thinking about Izuku, "We talked and he seemed to really admire my quirk. He rambled off a few times which I was okay with."

The teachers all listened to her and realized that she was definitely not talking about Mineta. He would not have spent his VIP time talking.

"He was sweet. He tried to make the best of his experience after I told him that it wasn't worth the $200 to just talk." Her voice traveled off.

"$200 American Dollars!" All Might might exclaimed.

"Yeah, I've never had someone bid that much on me before. He was up against his friend who seemed pretty explosive when he got out bidded."

All the teachers had the same thought. 'Bakugou.'

"Anyways Sensei, It's not necessary to try and redeem anything. Izuku really impressed me." As she got up off the table to leave she remembered something from her experience with Izuku.

She turned to the men, "And what they say about Asians being small is definitely not true."

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