Chapter 24

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"Can you believe it! They raised a quarter of a million dollars for the kids and the hospital." Rin was walking with Izuku after changing out of their costumes.

"Yeah. I didn't think I donated enough but every bit counts." Midoriya was happy to be out of his costume.

Rin watched Izuku as they walked toward the doors of the bar. "Wait, who's the DD tonight?"

Midoriya laughed, "Uhh, we're taking the train. And I don't think you're gunna need to worry about me."

She stopped just short of the doors and grabbed his hand. "I'm nervous."

Midoriya watched as the red spread up her face. He squeezed her hand. "Why would you be nervous?"

"All the heroes are going to be in there without their costumes on aren't they? I'm just a regular office worker and I'm a lush ex stripper. I feel like a nobody going into a room full of somebody's."

Izuku couldn't believe that his friend thought that she was a nobody. He let go of her hand. "You are NOT a nobody. You have an amazing quirk and you are just as important as anybody else."

Midoriya wanted to pull her into a hug but that would have broken their boundaries rule.

"I wish I could hug you but it's okay." She frowned. "Thank you though. You have a special ability with making people feel better."

Hearing her talk about wanting a hug made him want to give her one. Then he remembered how she said that the heroes wouldn't be in uniform.

"So, about the heroes not being in uniform. You should probably know about Ground Zero."

Rin looked up at him. Was he about to tell her something that she already knew? She wasn't sure she wanted him to tell her.

"What about Ground Zero? Besides being in his way." The two turned to see Bakugou with two others.

Not wanting to make a scene and not wanting to let on that she already knew, Rin leaned into Izuku's ear. "Are you telling me that Ground Zero and Bakugou are the same person?"

Katsuki watched as the woman played the innocent. She was a really good actress.

"It's okay. Not everyone knows these things. Let's go in."

With that they started to walk in. The bar was 2 floors. The bottom floor had booths for drinking and the top floor was clearly more for dancing.

The beat of the music and the dim lights brought her back to a world that felt like ages ago.

"Oh my gosh! Izuku, Come on let's get a drink." Rin couldn't help the excitement that overcame her. "Are you guys going to get anything?" She turned to the boys that were behind her.

"It's an open bar. I will be taking advantage of this." The guy with the spiky red hair.

"How about you guys go take a booth and Red Head and I will get drinks." She grabbed the red heads hand and pulled him to the bar.

Eijiro had a toothy smile. "You have got to be Red Riot and Chargebolt. But please don't make me call you that here." Rin giggled and they made it to the bar.

"You can call me Kirishima and him Denki. Now what are we getting?"

"10 shots of tequila, 4 screwdrivers, a moscow mule, and 2 Red Bulls with Rum." She told the bartender. "Oh, and 4 waters."

Kirishima looked taken back, "That's a lot."

She couldn't help the embarrassed giggle, "I don't really like to get up once I start drinking. Plus I have a feeling on what people would want. I use to do this for a living."

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