Chapter 4 - "I feel jealous!"

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She looked at him thoughtfully. "You're the best friend of Devendran? He is like a brother of mine. His house is located near mine. Come with me, I'll bring you there" she said.

"Um.. I'm kinda thirsty right now. Can you lend me some water?" Varman asked.

"Yeah! Sure" she said and poured the water in her pot right into the cupped hands of Varman. Also, she took the time to observe and notice his features.

His hands were veiny and large compared to hers and it was hard. He had the most attractive abs she had ever seen. She was amazed by his structure. The sweat droplets from his face shined like diamonds in the sunlight. She had never seen such a handsome and attractive man in her life.

She lost herself in checking him out. Varman raised up and asked, "Shall we go?" while looking at her eyes. She came to her senses then blushed and nodded her head. Both of them climbed up the stairs and started to walk down the road.

The people looked at Varman and wished him Good morning. Varman smiled and wished them back.

The ladies of the village can't keep their eyes off him. Some of them tried to speak to him. Varman spoke to them with so much respect. This gesture of him amazed her more. Soon, the ladies and the women in the villages started to speak about them being together.

He is a man who's strong, gigantic as well as the most powerful. While she is a lady who's always humble, beautiful and clever. They made a beautiful couple not only by their characters but also by their body shapes.

He has large shoulders, perfect abs that were visible beyond his shirt and his walk is purely majestic. She has curves in the right places and a perfect body shape and a face like a goddess. He is taller than her, which made their outlook presentable and the both made a great couple together.

It seemed like the both people were just made for each other. People spoke behind their back.

"Hey, look at prince Varman. He's so handsome. I could see his abs for the rest of my life without blinking.."

"They together make a great couple. He's so perfect for her"

"Shut up! It looks like She's made for him. Now I feel jealous.."

Soon the news of them walking down the streets together reached the ears of her mother.

"Sister, Did you hear the news? Your daughter is coming home with Prince Varman!" said the neighbour Gomati.

"What?!" exclaimed her mother and rushed towards the entrance of the home.

Hi readers❤️, above given is the picture of Aditya Varman and the picture in the previous chapter is Mrudhula, the heroine. I hope you like them. Please drop me a vote ⭐ if you like the chapter and don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments..😊

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