Ever since I was a child
I've been fascinated with the worldMy eyes, on their own, can't
see very farBut it didn't matter that I
wore glasses or had to squint sometimesWhat mattered was that my bad
eye sight made me want to see things I couldn'tAll things invisible and so
far out of our reachI'm very quiet because I like observing
not just with my eyes but with my ears as wellI collect information as a sponge
does with waterYour words, your movements, your plain
behavior is everything I needMy brain looks for the pattern through it all
and helps me understand why things areScience is the capitalized word
at the beginning of a sentenceIt starts the process of exploring
the possible ways to end that string of lettersI don't know everything, nor would I be
able to in the span of my lifeBut I will forever stay that curious
child always wanting to see things I couldn't