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you awkwardly looked away, and tiptoed, feeling relentless as satoru gojo stood before you. at the doorstep of your new house.

specifically— a new big mansion that you bought with his black card.

placing one hand on his pocket, he gave you an amused smile, "so this is where you used my card huh..." he examined your mansion in awe, before looking back at you, "you can have that card. it's all yours now."

"oh gosh, really?!" hearing that made you sighed in relief, after all there was no money left in his card. "oh you should enter. i'll go and make you a drink."

you gladly led him to your coach and went to the kitchen counter to get him some soda and a snack. "you should have come earlier, megumi already went to school!"

you opened one of the drawers, and examined what snacks you should get. as you were doing that, you can't help but feel pressured by the intense stare satoru was giving you.

"it's okay, i'm not here for megumi." he said boredly, which made you confused. "i'm actually here for you."

you stopped. that made you pause.

'fuck' you thought. for a moment you thought that maybe, he knows? that he is aware of your reincarnation. that your best friend had finally recognized you. and a shimmered of hope appeared that your relationship can go back to usual.

but it instantly went away, the moment you took a glance on him.

seeing that his expression was still unfamiliar and fake as ever, you immediately gave up on that kind of thought. and jump into another conclusion.

'horny mother fucker' you thought, 'don't tell me he's interested to this body i recairnated into?!'

"um excuse me?"

he laughed at your expression, "i sense some curse energy from you."


of course he did! you let out a sigh of relief. very relieved that he doesn't like your new body. you went towards him, carrying the soda and some cream kikufuku.

gojo's eyes lit up as you laid those snacks at the glass table, that is separating both of you. "wanna know a fun fact about me?" he suddenly asked.

you sat down, "what?"

"i really love kikufuku snacks." he gave you a chirped smile as he grab it.

"ahh." you nodded, not really surprised since you already knew that fact. after all, it was you who introduced that snack to him. 'gosh memories'. you thought.

"but anyways, back to our main point!" gojo took a bite as he looked straight into your eyes and then invited you to, "y/n], would you like to become a sorcerer?"

and of course, it was about time he asked you that. obviously, you said yes. since you have nothing else to do in your life anymore, right now.

you asked him a lot of questions that you already knew the answer to. but you need to pretend, after all, it would be weird for you to know everything when you're just a beginner.

"then when are you available?" gojo asked, after he explained everything you needed to know about jujutsu stuff. which was literally so boring to you.

"i'm available right now." you shrugged,

"then do you wanna visit our chamber?" gojo stood up and you followed,

"if you have a car with you, then i guess i would."

RETRY / G. SATORU Where stories live. Discover now