Squirrelflight's lie - Chapter two

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Squirrelflight padded into Leafpool's den slowly. "Hello?" She called.

Hollykit scrambled out from the shadows. "Sorry, Squirrelflight! I was just helping Leafpool with some stuff. She's at dirtplace, if you know what I mean," she squealed.

Squirrelflight dipped her head. "Thank you, Hollystar, I appreciate it."

Hollykit scrambled away, laughing. Squirrelflight let out a snicker as well.

"See you soon," she chirped. A brown tabby pelt padded into the medicine den.

"Hello, Squirrelflight," Leafpool mewed.

She perked up. "Hi, Leafpool. I need to tell you something. It's about... the... y'know."

Leafpool seemed to understand, and they walked to the back of the medicine den together.

"I recruited Brambleclaw. He asked me himself while we were talking over there. He asked me if they were yours. I couldn't, Leafpool. But he said that he would help us any way he could, and that his mouth was shut."

Leafpool looked pretty angry, but she was able to calm herself down. "Okay. I understand. But this can only be shared between the three of us, alright?"

Squirrelflight dipped her head. "Yes. Only us. I'm sorry. I just couldn't keep lying to him," she choked. 

"You're fine! I promise," Leafpool dug her head into Squirrelflight's chest fur, and Squirrelflight lowered her head onto Leafpool's, and they sat there for a moment.

"Oh, Leafpool, what are we to do?" She asked. 

Leafpool sighed. "I don't know. Let's just wait and see what happens." 


"And finally, Hollypaw, you will now be apprenticed to Leafpool," Firestar announced. 

Squirrelflight felt her sister tense as Hollypaw bounded over to her. 

"Yes! Teach me everything about herbs, Leafpool, everything! Yeah, yeah, and uh, I'll be super good and stuff, I can't wait!" She beamed at her new mentor. 

Squirrelflight looked down. Sure, if Hollypaw wants to be a medicine cat, that's great. But Jaypaw has a natural talent, and Hollypaw would make a terrific warrior. Has Firestar made the right choice? She was silent for a moment, before turning to her sister's daughter to congratulate her. 

"Good job, Hollypaw! You will make a great medicine cat!" She cheered. 

Hollypaw turned back to smile at her. 

She felt something warm and happy spark inside her. Oh, Hollypaw.  I'm glad I was chosen to be your mother. She saw Brambleclaw talking to Hollypaw as well, until he turned back and padded to Squirrelflight's side. 

"Ashfur! Brightheart! Jaypaw! Lionpaw! Over here!" He called. 

All four cats trotted over to meet them. 

"Hi, Squirrelflight, hi, Brambleclaw," Ashfur murmured. 

Squirrelflight lowered her head, memories of their relationship flooding back into her head. It almost made her sick. Ashfur... he... he was so much nicer to me than Brambleclaw. But... I love Brambleclaw. He's my mate. I just... I couldn't do that. Whenever she was around Ashfur, she felt like a helpless kit! I don't like him anymore! I just... feel something so weird around him. 

In reality, it was simply an awkward situation between Squirrelflight, her ex, and her current mate. But it felt so much deeper than that, like Ashfur had love and rage running through his veins.

Squirrelflight shivered, and Brambleclaw got the hint that she wasn't going to do the talking. 

"Hi, Ashfur! How have things been going?" He asked. 

She sighed of relief. Thank StarClan he doesn't mind. 

"Okay," Ashfur replied awkwardly. 

Brightheart also got the hint. "Uh, I've been doing great! Me and Cloudtail have been talking about having another litter. We're not sure yet. A-anyway, Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, how are you?"

"Good," they both replied at the same time. 

Ashfur and Brightheart both got a chuckle out of themselves before Lionpaw stepped in front of them both.


Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw snorted a few laughs. "Yes, yes, yes. Congratulations, Lionpaw, and Ashfur. I'm proud of you, son." 

Squirrelflight was sort of taken aback by how sincere Brambleclaw sounded when he called Lionpaw his son. I suppose he... doesn't really care that much. 

Jaypaw stepped forward as well. "Yeah, and I'm going to be like, such a warrior, and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks!" He roared. Brightheart was smiling at him sweetly.

Squirrelflight grinned. Jaypaw is in good paws. Brightheart will take cherish him, she thought. 

"Good job, both of you! I'm sure you both will make great warriors, and you both have fantastic mentors," she cheered. 

Ashfur stepped closer until their muzzles were almost touching. "You... you think I'm fantastic?"

Squirrelflight froze as her blood went cold. Stop. Please. Get away from me. 

Brambleclaw stepped in front of them. "Ashfur! This is a professional meeting! I'm trying to congratulate my sons, and you are ruining it! I'm glad Lionpaw has a mentor like you, strong, good at hunting, and the best tracker in the Clan. But you're too caught in your emotions! I think Firestar made a mistake by giving my son to you. Please get away from Squirrelflight," he told him sternly. 

Squirrelflight barely heard her mate. She was just frozen. "You... you think I'm fantastic?" Ashfur's words echoed in her head. No. Stop. Get away, I don't want to see you anymore. You are the echo of mine and Brambleclaw's mistake, she thought bleakly.

Lionpaw shrugged. "Well that was awkward. I kinda don't want to be around you, Ashfur... eh! I don't really care. Show me everything!

As their sons and their mentors padded out of the entrance tunnel, Squirrelflight gained motion again. 

"Th...thank you." She turned to Brambleclaw, feeling every single neck muscle move. 

He dipped his head. "You're welcome. We have to steer clear of him. Freak," he snorted. 

Squirrelflight pressed against him, tears running down her cheek. 


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