Silverstream's love - Chapter three

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"Are you okay, Silverstream?" Graystripe asked urgently.

Silverstream blinked her eyes open groggily. "Huh..?" How quickly have I fallen asleep?

"You were out almost immediately!" He continued.

I wasn't tired when I told Brindleface I was going to sleep, Silverstream thought. I wasn't tired at all.
She dug through her memories. Brown tabby... dragged away... poppy seeds... She perked up. "Tigerclaw gave me poppy seeds! Four poppy seeds," she mewed quickly. "Graystripe, he-"

"Yellowfang, Cinderpaw! Get over here! Silverstream is sick!" Graystripe called. Yellowfang pelted into the nursery, but Cinderpaw was probably out gathering herbs or something, she figured.

"Do you think she's kitting?" Oh StarClan no! Silverstream thought, as soon as Yellowfang spoke.

"Maybe," Graystripe murmured. "Or maybe the kits are getting her sick. Is there maybe some way to make it go faster?" He looked to Yellowfang.

"No. Wait, Graystripe. Wait," she replied.

"Yes, give me some time to exist!" Silverstream wailed. "And I'm not sick! That actually happened!" she continued indignantly. "Bring Tigerclaw in!"

Yellowfang scoffed. "Maybe she is sick. Alright, fine. Graystripe, you," she decided.

Graystripe groaned but knew better than to protest. Silverstream had only known Yellowfang for so long, but she learned that it wouldn't go well if you disrespected her.

"Okay." He raced out of the den, and Silverstream turned her ears towards the commotion.

"Tigerclaw! Yellowfang wants you!"

"What do you mean? Tell me more. I haven't been in any battles this time!"

"I can't tell you more! I don't know more, you mouse-brain! Yellowfang just told me to get you, bone-head..."

"Graystripe!" Bluestar hissed from her spot on highrock. "That is no way to talk to your deputy! Try it again!"

"Okay, fine... Tigerclaw, Yellowfang asked me to get you. It's about Silverstream," he murmured.

"That's all I needed to know," Tigerclaw snapped. Silverstream ducked her head back into the den.

"Nosy," Yellowfang spat. Whatever Yellowfang. I bet you've done WAAAAAAAAAAY more than me!

"What did you want me for? Be curt. I have patrols to organize," Tigerclaw mewed.

"Silverstream has an inquiry about you. She wants to talk to you," Yellowfang replied, seemingly deeply uninterested.

"Oh. So the RiverClan scum wants to see if she can get something for the mighty ThunderClan deputy! Hah! Snort! How utterly hilarious. What do you want?" Tigerclaw demanded.

Silverstream shifted, suddenly extremely self-aware about what she would say. "Uh.. did you... give me poppy seeds last night?" She asked.

Tigerclaw stiffened. "Come with me."

"Come on, Silverstream! We'll be the most powerful cats in the forest! You, adventurous and fierce, me, powerful and strong! We'd rule everyone! With nobility and pride!" He urged.

Silverstream shifted uncomfortably. "That sounds nice, Tigerclaw. But I must admit, you sound like an eager apprentice. And plus, I don't need power to be happy. And neither do you. I have Graystripe, who I want to spend the rest of my life with. And-"

"I knew you were weak! Graystripe, Silverstream? Graystripe? Him? Why him when me! We could be a power couple! We could forget about that fat old tabby!" He tugged at her paws.

"Don't you have kits with Goldenflower?" She asked.

He froze. "I... do," he mewed suddenly. "And she certainly does have the guts to rule... but she respects ThunderClan and Bluestar too much. You don't. Many think that your RiverClan heritage gives you weakness. But it makes you careless for ThunderClan!"

"I am not careless for ThunderClan!" Silverstream snapped. "ThunderClan-or, more specifically, Fireheart and Graystripe-helped us when the river was too flooded, and we were starving! They brought us food! And my dear love, Graystripe, lives in ThunderClan, along with everyone he loves!"

"Are you saying you like ThunderClan more than RiverClan? Are you saying you are completely ready to just ditch your birth Clan?" Tigerclaw demanded.

"No! I love RiverClan. And I must admit, if it were ThunderClan or RiverClan, right now, RiverClan is looking very nice right now! The only reason I'm here in ThunderClan is because of Graystripe and our kits!" Silverstream felt birth.


Tigerclaw, with his eyes wide and surprised, he raced back in the direction of camp.

But he didn't look concerned at all. He looked more like something in his plan just clicked right together. What's he going to do? Is he... getting help or not? What if... She trailed off as everything went black, but then flashed back again. Every time they flashed back she saw...

"Oakheart! Willowbreeze!" Silverstream cried. "You're here! To take me?" Silence gripped the clearing.

"No. Keep fighting, Silverstream. Just wait a little longer," Oakheart urged quietly.

Silverstream fought to open her eyes, but she couldn't help it. She was going numb now. She barely felt the kits banging on her stomach, begging to get out.

Gently, she let her eyelids slide shut. Until a dark paw shoved some leaves into her mouth. "Eat!" The cat urged.

Silverstream felt her only life using all of her energy on chomping these leaves. Once swallowed, her eyes shot up. "Thank StarClan!" She looked down and saw Cinderpaw working on her.

"Come on! Just push!"

"I-It's a tom! A large dark tom, just like his father!" Cinderpaw announced. "Graystripe, lick! Quickly!"

Graystripe is here? Silverstream attempted to lift her head, but a huge wave of pain gripped her again.

"Disgusting!" That was Tigerclaw's voice. Was the whole of ThunderClan watching her give birth? I didn't invite him!

"Oh-o-oh, th-that's a she-kit!" Cinderpaw staggered. "Uh, Fireheart, you lick her!"

Silverstream presumed he was behind her because she couldn't see a single orange hair.

"Sure." His warm voice rang from behind her, confirming her theory. Do I trust him with the she-kit? Of course I do. He helped us. He's Graystripe's best friend! But... Silverstream's head mumbled the whole time her pain fizzled away. How long have I been giving birth? She asked herself.

It was dusk. She thought that all happened in such quick succession. Cinderpaw was jumping up and down. "I did it!" She cheered.

Fireheart was congratulating her and Graystripe.

Graystripe was sitting beside Silverstream.

She felt his warm and comforting fur press against hers. This is how she wanted to spend her life. It didn't matter where. It didn't matter surrounded by who. Graystripe mattered. That's all. Graystripe and the kits she had with him. A family.

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