Squirrelflight's lie - Chapter three

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Squirrelflight awoke in the middle of the forest, and then remembered. That's right! I didn't want to sleep in the warrior's den with Ashfur. But there was a brown tabby pelt next to her. But Brambleclaw didn't go. Or did he?

She was extremely confused as to who was sitting next to her. It wasn't Brambleclaw, she knew that much. Now that she was looking, it wasn't a brown tabby pelt. It was golden.

Squirrelflight looked to her other side, and there was a blue pelt. Looked behind her, there was a black pelt that she could just barely make out. Hollypaw, Jaypaw, Lionpaw, she realized. 

She craned her neck to the other side of the tree she fell asleep next to and the whole family was there. Looks like Brambleclaw did come, and Leafpool was here, too. 

She squinted, unable to remember if no one came with her... or if everyone came with her.

"Squirrelflight?" A voice chirped from behind her. She sat up. 


"Yes, it's me. Are... you awake?"


"Thank StarClan! I've been awake almost all night!"

"Sounds rough."

"It sure was! But you're here now."

"Sappy furball!"

Brambleclaw sat up to sit beside Squirrelflight.

"Okay, fine," she purred. "I'll let you sit here."

"Thank you, queen Squirrelflight," he dipped his head and she rolled her eyes. He's so cute. I wouldn't rather have it any other way. 

"Whatever. Why are we all out here?" She asked. 

He paused. "We came to support you. I went looking for you in the night, since you disappeared. I was getting super worried, since I had checked dirtplace and really all around ThunderClan territory. I woke Leafpool and our kits to help me find you," he explained.

Squirrelflight brightened. 

"Really? You... came looking for me?" This had solidified her love in Brambleclaw almost entirely. He cared enough to look over his shoulder and see if she was okay. And if she wasn't there, he wouldn't just lay in his nest and assume she was at dirtplace. He was worried for her. He cared. 

"Of course I did!" Brambleclaw pressed against her pelt, beaming. "I love you, you know that? If you're not beside me, I can't sleep!"

"Oh my StarClan, Brambleclaw, you're so weak! Lay down beside me," she told him softly. After a moment's hesitation, she added "I like you a lot, but I'm not even that bad."

He chuckled. "I don't know why, but I find that hard to believe."

They were silent for a while. Squirrelflight felt like she might nod off. She thought back to what had woken her up in the first place. 

I was freezing! She realized. I was freezing cold! But now that Brambleclaw is here, we share warmth, she thought fondly, wrapping her fluffy tail around his. He seemed to comply, showing that he was also awake. 

She put her paw on top of his. 

He put it back over hers.

This continued for about 5 minutes until Squirrelflight climbed onto his back and wrapped her paws around his neck.

Brambleclaw stifled a laugh. "What are you doing?" He whispered. 

"Winning," she replied back with a mrrow of laughter.  

Brambleclaw chuckled as well. 

Squirrelflight knew this was going to be a good day. 


"I would like to take Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw with me to ShadowClan," Leafpool announced. "This will not be an easy task. I would like two reasonable and friendly warriors that can also put up a very fierce fight if it comes to it," she continued. 

Squirrelflight was jumping up and down like an apprentice. Battle, battle, battle! She knew they weren't good, but the heat of battle was so intense, and it was something to do. She found that when she was alone in camp (without her kits, Leafpool, or Brambleclaw) she had such a terrible lack of stimulation. 

Brambleclaw thought this was absolutely adorable. She thought that he was going to get his head ripped off one day if he teased her one more time.

"Let's go," Brambleclaw mewed in her ear suddenly. 

She jumped up and raced to go meet Leafpool at the edge of camp. 

They padded through the tunnel and into the forest. Squirrelflight's home.

She had never thought that the old territories would ever get destroyed. She thought that she would tease Brambleclaw and train with Dustpelt forever. 

How wrong was I? 

Sighing, she pushed tears back down her eyes. I feel better now that Brambleclaw knows. But I'm keeping these secrets from... my mother, my father... everyone, she thought.

I wish I could just play with my kits and snuggle with my mate. I don't want to do this. I want to be a kit again, something, anything, I want to go back. She panicked, whipping her head around to look at the trees. 

This isn't happening. This can't be happening. No. No. I won't let it. She stepped back.

Brambleclaw and Leafpool were staring at her in confusion. Except Leafpool seemed to know a lot more than Brambleclaw did about the situation.

She padded closer and embraced Squirrelflight in a tight hug. "We'll get through this. I know how it feels. I love you." 

Brambleclaw understood as well. "Aw, Squirrelflight. We're here for you, never forget that."

They were in a circle of tight hugs around Squirrelflight. This helped, but not enough. 

"They deserve to know," she whispered. 

"What?" Brambleclaw cocked his head to the side.

"Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw. They need to know."

"Not yet!" Leafpool gasped. "They would take it too hard right now! When they're full grown adults, they would probably take it better!"

Squirrelflight turned her back to them both. Shut up! I'm right and you know it! 

"I hate this. I'm done. I'm done. I'm so done."

Leaves and twigs cracked suddenly, and then a bright orange pelt popped out from behind the bushes. 

"What is this?"

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