Part 34

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Allison's POV

Today we have the first quidditch practice of the year,

The boys have gone on about the matches and how we are going to win all last night.

It's been 3 days since Mattheo found my cuts, well the ones on my ribs.

I haven't cut since and I think he's proud of me, I mean he keeps going on about if I need anything or what I would like to do to keep my mind off it.

He's been there for me at my low and it's been great.

He's been my rock, I've cried and he's been there for me never judging, just comforting.

It's nice knowing that he's there for me, I only wish that when he struggles with anything he comes to me or let's me help.

I wake up to Mattheo and Jake barging in my dorm.

"What the hell" I say barley comprehending what's happening

"We have practice get up" Jake says dragging me out of bed

"Oh come on, why so early. It's 5 in the fucking morning" I say rubbing my eyes

"Exactly" Jake says

"That makes no sense" i say

"Get dressed" he says trying to shut me up

"What do I even wear I haven't gotten my uniform" I say

"Oh yeah, just wear some shorts, a top and a jumper" he says walking out of my room

"What the fuck was that about" I say to Mattheo

"He always gets like this for practice, I'm his dorm mate and I want to kill myself most times." He says

I laugh "can you pick out my clothes while I go in the shower" I say

"Oh yeah sure" he says

I turn and make my way to the bathroom, I go in the shower and brush my teeth to get rid of my morning breath.

I hate morning breath, like how does your breath even get that bad from sleeping.

I come out wearing a towel and get some underwear on and a sports bra,

On my time on this planet I have learnt some things, one of them things being. If you do sports wear a sports bra, even if your barley doing anything just wear a sports bra.

I go over to Theo and grab the clothes and slip them on. I then braid my hair because my hair goes in my face when playing sports.

 I then braid my hair because my hair goes in my face when playing sports

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