A/N - Quidditch

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Ok so I don't know if I've established who's in the Slytherin quidditch team.

So if I have well I'm re doing it as I don't know if I have or haven't.

So here's the new team


- Jake Evergreen
- Draco Malfoy
- Marcus Flint


- Mattheo Riddle
- Theodore


- Blaise Zabini


- Allison Evergreen


- Lorenzo Berkshire
- Jace Novak
- Adrian Pucey

Also during the summer holidays I won't upload on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Im going to upload whenever I finish writing a chapter. Because I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks and I don't want to worry about writing 6 chapters while away.

So if I do upload irregularly it's because I haven't had time to write them on time.

123 words

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