Our Little Secret - Sirius

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Sirius x female!reader


You yawned, stretching against Remus. Your head was in his lap as he talked with his friends in the common room. You kinda just hung around them since you were Remus's partner. Though you weren't really friends with them. You supposed it's because they thought you'd be another one and done by Remus. Thankfully, you were far from it, plus that was more of Sirius's style.

You smiled at the thought as Remus played with your hair, laughing about something with James. You looked up at him, his features still pretty even from below. Your eyes trailing down to his chest, before looking away. When you turned, you caught the eyes of Sirius. You looked back at him curiously. He raised an eyebrow at you, for some reason the action made you blush. He was attractive you wouldn't lie.

There had been times Sirius and you had talked and you could've swore he was flirting with you but you ignored it, assuming he just flirted with everyone. But recently he's been getting bolder, more open.

He smirked at your confused expression before sitting back, spreading his legs slightly before tuning back into his friends conversation. You blushed, looking away too. What a tease. In your mind you knew how fucked up this was. Remus and you were happy. You wouldn't let some boy come between you... right?

You sat up, gaining Remus's attention. "I'm gonna go take a nap. Later babe." You said, kissing him softly before leaving. Not noticing how Sirius's eyes followed you as you walked out.

You just needed to get your mind off him. You sighed, going to lie on your bed when you heard a knock on your door. You knew it wasn't Remus, he'd just come in without knocking. You opened it only to find Sirius, making you frown slightly.

"Uh.. yeah?" You asked raising an eyebrow.

Sirius looked at you with a small smile. "Can I come in?" He asked, looking behind you. You bit your lip. You were in intense denial about your attraction to the boy in front of you. But it was one thing to flirt with him casually and a whole other to let him in your room. Thinking with the heat below your waist, you let him in.

"Sooo.. what's up?" You ask, closing your door. You cross your arms as he looks around. When he turns to you he looks you up and down, not even trying to hide how he was eye fucking you. He approached you though you didn't move, curiosity killed the cat. One of his hands moved up to your waist.

"Come on love, don't tell me you haven't been teasing me the whole day."

You scoffed. Technically, he wasn't wrong. The entire day you two had been flirting, teasing each other to the point where you'd think they were dating. You felt your heart thump in your chest, and a throb below your waist.

"Like you weren't either."

"Exactly, so... how about we keep it a secret from Remus huh?" He said, eyes moving to your lips. You blushed, looking up at him. You let out a shaky breath. Being so close to Sirius made you realize just how touched starved you were. You could think about the consequences later. You needed him right now.

"Fine, our little secret." You said quietly, Sirius grinned before bending down to kiss your neck. You placed your hand on his waist, finger pulling his belt loop to pull him against you. You used your other hand to lift his head up to kiss you. Unlike with Remus, who was more gentle and soft, the kiss was rough and lustful. You gasped for air as he pushed you against your wall. He growled softly, hands moving to remove your shirt. You did the same for his, pulling away from the kiss to admire his thin frame.

He ran a finger over your red lips, puffy from the rough kiss. He picked you up and sat on your bed, you on his lap.

"You don't know how much I've wanted you love. It's so unfair Remus gets to touch you whenever he wants. Do you know how hard it is to hold myself back when you look at me like you want me to tear you apart?"

You whined in response, your pussy ached at his words. Your face flushed, embarrassed as you grinded against his clothes crotch. He chuckled at you.

"Aww, does hearing how much I wanted you make you needy pup?"

You nodded obediently, too flustered to meet his eyes. His hands reached between you, unbuttoning your pants as he continued.

"I could make you feel sooo good darling. Just tell me one thing. Then I'm yours. Just tell me that you want me over him. Admit it." He said as he kissed the side of your neck. You bit your lip, looking down at him as he bucked his hips up into you. A small moan escaped you lips. You could have him, right here, right now. You'd just have to cheat on the love of your life. It wasn't necessarily fair but... you had already come so far you might as well finish.

"I'm yours. Not Remus's. Yours." You said, voice not louder than whisper. He smirked, content.

"Good." Was all he said before he helped take the rest of your clothes off as well as his. You felt a shiver down your spine once you sat back on his lap. You were dripping and you were sure he could tell. You positioned yourself as he lined up his cock to enter you. Just as you were about to lower yourself, Sirius stopped you, placing a hand in your hair.

"Ah ah. No, good pups beg." He said, god he was such a tease. You rolled your eyes, earning a nice tug from Sirius. You whimpered before sighing.

"Please Sirius, I'm desperate. I need you in me. Please!" You almost shouted, even when you and Remus had sex you were never this needy. What changed now?

Sirius seemed to think about his decision, making you growl under your breath. You needed him so so bad.

"Go ahead, fuck yourself on my cock love." He said softly, sitting back slightly to look at you fully. Your face was red from the attention. His eyes were looking a t you like a piece of meat, so lustful and hungry. You lowered yourself onto him slowly. Earning a loud groan from both of you. Your mouth gaped as you kept eye contact with Sirius. Letting out a sigh of pleasure when you finally bottomed out. His cock wasn't as long as Remus's but definitely was more girthy. His eyes were lidded though his damned grin was still present. Arrogant bastard. He placed a hand on your waist to steady you.

"So pretty...so pretty on my cock.." he said softly, almost to himself making your stomach flutter. You started a normal pace as you grinded on his cock. One of his hands coming up to grope your tits. Soft moans coming from both of you as you chased you high. You couldn't help but let put a yelp of surprise as he thrusted into you harshly, hitting into just right.

"Fuck Sirius! Do that again." You groaned, he, thankfully, obliged. Grabbing your waist with both hands now. He started thrusting into you at a faster pace. A pace that made your eyes roll back and your mouth gaped, soundless moans trying to escape from it. Your face was beat red when you moaned his name loudly. When you did he thrusted into you harder.

"Again. Fuck. Say my name again." He ordered, fucking into you like a dog. You tried to speak through broken moans, your brain felt scrambled and fuzzy.

"Sirius! Please- oh Merlin.." You wrapped your arms around his neck when you felt a knot tie in your stomach, begging for release.

"I'm gonna cum, please let me cum. Please please." You begged, basically whining into his neck. He let out a breathy laugh.

"Me too love- Cum. Cum for me." He ordered, his thrusting getting too much to handle. You threw your head back in euphoria. Your body shook as you slowly came down from the pleasure, becoming overstimulated as Sirius chased his high. He pulled out and came onto both of your stomachs shortly after with a loud groan. You both lied down on your bed, trying to catch your breaths.

"Remus would fucking furious if he found out." You said, reality finally hitting you. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"But he won't be. Because he won't find out. Plus think of it as a friend helping you out. Just sexually. Totally not cheating. And I'm totally better than him at fucking the shit out of you."

"Oh shut up Black."

"You didn't deny it." 

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