Late Night Teaching - Remus Lupin

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Remus x female!reader

CW:scent kink, eating out, teacher/student relationship, daddy kink, vaginal sex

You threw your wand down in annoyance. You've been practicing this stupid spell since the afternoon and it was getting late. It was a simple extension charm! You should be able to get it by now. It was practically a 6th year spell. To put it plainly, it was the most basic spell ever and you were struggling over it. And you usually don't struggle when it came to academics which made it even more frustrating.

You scowled at your bag which you were practicing the charm on. As if it was the cause of your problems. You walked over to the common room couch, sitting in it with a huff. It was almost empty, a few students littered here and there. You ran a hand through your hair in thought before an idea came to you.

You could ask an actual professor for help, but the idea made your face flush. Maybe you could ask Professor Lupin? You always felt so... nervous (for lack of a better word) when you were around him. His gaze sharp and his tone was confident with a hint of playfulness at times. You swore you could name off all the scars on his face by heart from how many times you've stared at him in class.

You nodded to yourself as you stood. Fine, you'd ask him for help, he'd help you. Or not. Then you'd leave and that's the end of that.

Totally not an excuse just to see him.

You grabbed your wand and bag before making your way to his classroom, hoping he'd be there. Though, when you stood in front of his door, your hand just couldn't come up to knock on it. Your throat felt tight and your hands were shakey. Just as you were decided that you'd ask him later, footsteps came up from behind you.

"Mrs.Y/L/N? Do you need something?"

You froze at the sound of his voice, slick and low as usual. It made your core flip. You slowly turned to look at him. It was the weekend so it was more than a little strange for a student to be visiting him, especially at such a late hour. You sucked in a breath when you looked over his tall figure. He was wearing a more comfortable sweater and jeans, quite different from his usual formal suit. How dare he be so fucking attractive.

"Oh- sorry to bother you, Professor. It's just that, I need help on a charm." You said, watching as he walked past you to unlock his classroom door. He hummed at your response, opening the door before looking at you again. His gaze made your squirm.

"Shouldn't you be asking Professor Flitwick about this then?" He asked, but stood aside from the door as an invitation in nonetheless. You took it, thinking of a response. It was funny how Flitwick didn't even come to mind. You chewed on your bottom lip as you placed your bag on a random desk.

"I suppose that would've been more fitting, no?" You said with a nervous chuckle. His eyes flicked over your figure quickly, so quick you didn't notice. He gave you a patient smile as he walked over to sit on his desk.

"I could still teach you, so you didn't come all this way for nothing. Plus it's my duty as your professor." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. You shamelessly eyed how his muscles pushed against the fabric of his sweater before swallowing with a nod.

"I'd appreciate it."

He let out a small sigh, holding his temple for a moment. He seemed to be in pain making your eyebrows furrow. You approached him without thought, placing a hand on his arm, gently. He held up a hand to show he was fine.

"I'm perfectly fine, Y/L/N. Just- a exhausted from grading." You hardly believed him but you had no right to call him out on it so you shrugged it off.

"Okay, but- are you sure you want to teach me the charm? You seem out of it. I coul-"

"No!" He said, a little too quickly, too eagerly.

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