Young Impressionable Student - Remus Lupin PT.2

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Remus x female!reader

CW:daddy kink, public, blowjob, biting kink, mentioning age difference

It's been about two months since you and Remus well... y'know.

You ended up lying to your friends, telling them you ended up chickening out on the dare. After a week of convincing, they finally believed you. The past months had been the best months of your life, every chance you got you'd hang out with your new boyfriend.

He found time to take you on cute dates like trips to Hogsmeade (you two would just look through stores together while trying to seem as far apart as you could) or on any break you had you'd convince your parents to let you stay at Hogwarts but instead you'd stay at his cottage. It was cozy and sweet. Oh, and the fact you could have his cock whenever you wanted was amazing too.

Recently, OWLS has been making him extremely busy. Not only with preparing his tests and teaching extra classes but as well as other students requesting tutoring lessons with him after classes. It made you beyond jealous. So much so that you'd schedule a tutoring session with him too. Every time he'd enter the classroom and see you, he sighed. He'd be upset because he knew you didn't need tutoring and he could be using the time for something else. His annoyance only rose when you'd try to touch him during the sessions.

"Y/N... I'm sorry, I don't have time for this. I have things to do, and you need to study."

"That's why you're supposed to be tutoring me!" You complained, giving him a pouty childish look. He just frowned at your response, clearly not in the mood for your attitude.

"No, you signed up for tutoring just so you could have time with me. Which I find extremely cute but please love, just wait until the OWLS and I'll give you all the attention you need. Okay?" He explained, you just sighed and nodded.

You would be lying if you said the lack of attention and overall change in Remus's mood wasn't dimming yours. You were quieter than usual and Remus was starting to get worried. Hell, even your friends were starting to get worried. They would hang out with you more, occasionally asking if you were okay. You'd always respond "Yeah I'm fine" with a laugh as if that was a stupid question to ask. Remus would throw you concerned glances during class and you'd barely look at him or even pretend as if he didn't exist.

Finally, one day he approached you while everyone was working to ask you to stay after class. Luckily, no one questioned it because of his tutoring sessions. You waved at Mari as she left the classroom, leaving only you and Remus. He had you sit in a chair he pulled up in front of his desk.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, assuming my lack of affection is the cause of your bad attitude. I didn't mean to. I've just been so busy." He said with a tired sigh. You wanted to act rude, still salty at him emotionally pushing you away but you couldn't be mad at him for too long. You were attached. What could you say?

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have wasted your time, and understood you have responsibilities that you have to attend to." You replied, looking at your hands in your lap. Remus smiled, the one smile where you can tell he adores you. It's paired with his soft gaze that he only looks at you with. It all just makes you melt, and he knows this. As well as makes you want to jump across this desk and kiss him hard.

"But I have been working hard for a reason. I've been allowed to watch over you take an individual OWL exam a week before the actual test. I just told Dumbledore that you have an urgent family meeting that week and couldn't come to school. So you can stay in my room for a week. And possibly hide underneath my desk, if you know what I mean." He said, his soft smile turning into something more malicious and lustful. His statement made you gasp in excitement, this time you did actually hop over his desk to hug him in his lap.

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