My Pretty Boy - Ron Weasley PT.2

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Ron x female!reader

CW:pegging, mommy kink, femdom, magical strap ons, throat fucking (im sorry i just have a thing for ron being a bottom it just fits him so well)

It's been a month since your little endeavor with Ron. However, you hadn't started openly dating but you definitely had some sort of romantic relationship even if most of what you did was sexual. Though it was never said to be romantic. Maybe it was just wishful thinking? If he just wanted a sexual relationship with you, then you supposed it was okay You enjoyed it though, teasing Ron was your favorite past time. Especially with knowing what you did now.

"Ron, love, would you mind and let me copy your potions homework?" You said with a overly wide fake smile, leaning over the couch. He just deadpanned at you, obviously not falling for your act.

"Absolutely not, do your own dumbass."

"C'monnn, please... for mommy?" You whispered into his ear. His face grew a bright red as he looked over at Harry, making sure he didn't hear. He let out a huff of embarrassment before handing you the paper.

"Just- shut up..." He said, though he couldn't lie. He adored when you were in control. When he didn't have to think for himself and you would tell him what to do, how to do it. He craved that feeling of simplicity.

You grinned at his obedience, quickly turning to copy his homework. Ron looked you up and down, admiring you. A task he loved doing in his spare time. Whether you are fully clothed or not. You looked up, feeling eyes on you, smiling when he adverted his gaze, trying not to act suspicious. You gave him a wink which didn't go unnoticed from Hermione, who gave Harry a raised eyebrow.

"What is it Ron?" You asked, setting your quill down with a sigh. You knew when he wanted something. He squirmed under your gaze, before looking over at Harry and Hermione who were having a conversation among themselves. It was clear he wanted to to talk. Alone. So you just huffed and packed your things.

"I need a nap, this potions essay is driving me insane." You said, a simple half-truth. Luckily, the two didn't push further, or even ask why Ron was leaving as well. You just assumed they already could tell you two had something going on and didn't want to know. Or just that as soon as you two left they'd immediately start trying to figure out what exactly you two had going on. Either way, it just mad your life a whole lot easier.

You made your way up to your dorm slowly, waiting for the redhead to catch up. You were already sitting on your bed when he decided to join you. You were never a big fan of waiting.

"Took you long enough. What is it?" You said, crossing your arms. He locked the door behind him, before turning to you. You looked him up and down, he was holding something. This made you look at him quizzically.

"What's that?"

"Well um- so. Well- Merlin this is hard to explain." He stammered, not making eye contact.

"Spit it out Weasley." Your tone was sharp but curious. What could've gotten him so riled up? He just approached you before handing you the unopened box.

"I saw- I saw this toy at a shop a while back and wanted- to know if you wanted to try it out..." He said with a cough. You raised an eyebrow at him but opened the box. Letting out a loud gasp at it's contents. It was a fucking strap-on.

"Supposedly, it's magic. Feels like a real- well y'know." He explained as you pulled it out, examining it. He was You let out a small laugh. Grabbing his hand to make him sit.

"Fuck, Ron. I just- Speechless. But excited. Very excited." You replied, your voice was sensual. He smiled at you, happy that you liked the gift. You reached up and took your shirt off making Ron flush. He never got used to seeing you naked, he loved seeing it though.

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