Chapter 2 - Creep

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"She doesn't need therapy! She needs to pray. We all do."

"You did this?" I sputter out, my tears subsiding slightly. "Who are you? Who the FUCK are you?" I yell through my tears. I don't even know why I'm crying so much. My mother never loved me. She despised me. Honestly, I'm surprised I was even mentioned in the obituary. The man laughs on the other end of the phone. I shiver. His laugh sounds devoid of all empathy. There is an underlying tone of sick enjoyment out of my pain. "Why?"

"Why?" He repeats in a falsetto. "WHY?! Because she made you sad. And nobody but me is allowed to make you sad." I slowly stand up, realizing just how sick this man is. I hear a creak from above me. My room.

"Where are you?" I ask, silently approaching the stairs. I almost hear him smile through the phone.

"Three guesses." I sneer.

"My house."

"Close, but no." I take a step up the stairs.


"Warmer, Darling." I reach the top.

"In my room."

"Ding ding ding! You're on fire!" I twist the doorknob open and open to my room to find - nothing.

"Huh?" I hear a creak behind me. Before I have time to react to the man behind me, I already fell to the ground. As I groaned, my vision blurring in and out, the man crouched down to my level. The last thing I saw before passing out was his smile. It was a glistening white color.

I mumble, slowly coming to. My head aches where I fell, and I try to reach up to it. But I'm stopped. Something is holding my arm down. I look. Rough ropes hold my arms behind my back and behind a chair, while more ropes hold my legs to the legs of the chair. I start to struggle, trying to break free from the ropes, knowing that it would ultimately be useless. I try to yell, but the windowless room I was sitting in just bounced the screams back to me.

"Your screams are starting to get irritating, baby." The man stepped into the room and locked the door behind him. "Will I have to gag you?" I stare, trying to scoot away.

"Where am I? What is this?" I demand, my eyes starting to well. The man chuckles.

"Well, aren't you just eager for information! That's one of the reasons I love you. You're such a smart girl."

"You motherfucker! Let me out!" I yell at him. Suddenly, I feel a stinging feeling spreading across my face, and the tears in my eyes finally pouring out. He smacked me. He actually smacked me.

"You're so dramatic! We've barely even started and you're already crying. How...pathetic.." He holds my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "You are so pathetic. You're worthless to the outside world. But not me. You have much use for me." He lets go and leans against the cold cement walls. I start to calm down and look at the man who kidnapped me.

"W-what are you gonna do t-to me?" I stutter out, beating myself up internally for sounding like a bumbling five year old. He doesn't move.

"You'll see." He steps towards a table I hadn't even noticed was there, covered with tools of all sorts. I shiver. A needle, buck knife, claw hammer, duct tape, and what looks to be like thick rope. His fingers wiggle above the table first before settling on a small, metal rectangular object with two prongs at the tip. He strides back to me and smiles. "Watch this-" He presses a button on the object, and a blue light flickers from the prongs and onto the skin of my arm where he hovered over. I scream out in pain and try to pull away as tears threaten to fall from my eyes. The man, whose shoulder length blonde hair was pulled in a half up, half down ponytail, was giggling to himself in some sort of sick enjoyment. After what feels like forever of him tasering my skin, he stops, putting it back down where it was in the first place. I gasp for air after hyperventilating in pain, and let my head sink down limply. The man rests his hand on the back of my head, slowly intertwining his fingers with my blonde hair.

"Are you already taking a nap, sweetheart? The fun's just starting!" He yanks my head up, showing the mess of a face I am. My nose is running down my upper lip, my face is red from crying, and tears mix with my mascara as they drip down my cheek and under my jaw. The man clicks his tongue and wipes a bit of the tears away. "Here, lemme grab something." He walks away to a side door in the room, and I finally get to look around. The room was quite bare, with cement walls and one small glass block window. The ground looks to be cement with a small, cheap-looking carpet over it. I'm sitting in the back of the room, under the window and farthest away from any doors, of which there are two. One door leads to what I presume is a bathroom (which the man just went through) and the other looks to be made of a thicker wood than the first. It has three locks on it - a key lock, a deadbolt, and a chain lock. Something that would probably take around seven seconds to do. I reach down to bite my nails, but again realize my hands are tied - literally. As I'm groaning in pain because of ropeburn, my kidnapper walks back in.

"Here we are. Sit still now." He grabs my jaw with his single hand forcibly and wipes my face with a damp cloth. I almost shiver in fear. His grip on my jaw is so tight that it almost hurts. As soon as he finishes cleaning the mess I made on my face, he lets go. "Feeling better?" I scoff and look away. The man snaps directly in front of my face. "It's impolite to look away when someone is fucking talking to you." I look back at him in shock of how fast his emotions change. My stomach is currently doing summersaults. "Good girl~." He pats my cheek gently, then stands up straight. After wiping his shirt primly, he looks at me and clears his throat.

"I have some business to attend to, so.." The kidnapper grabs my jaw, forcing my mouth open, and shoves the cloth he had just used to clean my face into my mouth. Then, he uses his belt to keep it in place via wrapping it around my head. "There. Comfortable?" He chuckles as he sees me struggle in the chair. The cloth feels like it's choking me, and I gag slightly. And the belt constricts my head and pulls my hair so snugly that it hurts. The man pats my head and walks to the large wooden door. He undoes the locks. 7 seconds. Just like I thought. He walks out, and I hear what seems to be 5 locks click. Then, I'm alone again.

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