Chapter 7 - Passenger Seat

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Chapter 7

“Mother, father, I have something to tell you.” The young girl stood nervously in front of her parents. Her mother held a coffee mug tightly, the steam wafting the air gently. The father, on the other hand, held a beer can. He only drank on weekends.

The young girl took a deep breath in, before closing her eyes.

“I’m gay.”

She spoke rushed and anxiously, anticipating the disapproving stare of her parents the moment she opened her eyes. Only, when she opened her eyes, she wasn’t met with the look of disappointment, but instead the open palm of her mother.


With all the time I’ve gotten alone recently, I’ve been finding myself singing to pass time. But you can only sing a song so much until it becomes repetitive.

After singing Passenger Seat by Death Cab for Cutie for the umteenth time, I try to do my stretches. Because my legs are bound, I try to move them as often as possible to prevent muscle dystrophy.

I do sit-ups and mason twists, then count over the number of cinder blocks that make the walls of the basement. Thank the Lord that he cleaned the blood off the floor, or else my head would have made me outline the stain for hours.

I wanted to do more, to entertain myself. To do something more than just lay around.

I don't want to become too reliant.

A shadow flickers by the small glass block window. A bird or squirrel.

Lucky them.

Three locks click. The door swings ajar and the man walks in, a bag of Burger King in hand.

I fucking hate Burger King.

But I can't be picky here. It's about survival. I'm a survivor, a fighter, not a victim.

“Hungry, angel?” He smirks and strides over to the bed, uncuffing my wrists. Slowly, he unpackages the food and hands a burger and a small fry container to me. The water bottle by my pillow is my refreshment.

“What’s the occasion?” I ask, taking a large bite of the burger. I muster the strength to not spit it out.

The man smiles sweetly and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I shiver.

“We’re having a new guest soon, so I want you to have enough energy to enjoy the show.”

My stomach drops.

“W-what?..” My voice is barely over a whisper. The memories of Jimmy’s death flash through my mind, and I close my eyes to stabilize myself. I rub my pained wrists anxiously as I try to process.

He’s gonna kill someone else.

And he’s gonna make me watch again.

“Uh huh. Wanna guess who?” He cups my cheek in his palm and brings his head closer. I try to pull back, but he holds me steadily in place. “I’ll give you three hints.”

“They’re a girl.”

“She used to work with you.”

“Her name rhymes with witty.”


My chest heaves in and out violently. What is wrong with this bastard? His hands grip my shoulders, and I start to shake him off with my newly uncuffed hands.

“Tara, you better stop fighting me or else I’ll have to punish you again.” Goosebumps line my arms, but I keep fighting, not wanting to give into him. I’ve gotten weaker mentally since I’ve been taken. This man doesn’t scare me. He’s not a man,  he’s a monster.

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