Chapter 8 - No Surprises

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“God, why won’t you listen to me for once?” The young girl, now a young woman, slammed her hands on her kitchen counter, yelling into her phone. Her mother on the other end sighed and spoke.

“If you had just listened to us and talked to Reverend Petersburg, none of this would have happened! We would have been a happy family. But you had to mess it up, Tara.”

I lost feeling in my arms a few hours ago. After wrapping and cleaning my wounds, Damion gave me a few sips of water before leaving me alone in the room.

I knew my wrists were dislocated by just looking at them. They bled about thirty minutes ago when I started to struggle. The ropes dug into my skin painfully as I thrashed around, causing my wrists to bleed down my arm. Some even got in my hair.

Damion shakes me awake, and my head jolts up painfully.

“Jesus, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to let you know that our guest arrived.” Gasping, I start to struggle again. All he does is chuckle and hold me still by my shoulders. I slow my movements and still in his grasp, causing him to smile confidently.

“Can you let me down now? My wrists feel dislocated,” I beg, trying to sound as sweet as I can without vomiting.

“Of course, but you need to be restrained.”

He didn't need to explain why. He already had hours ago and I didn't need him to run salt in the wound (metaphorically).

A slight clinking jolts me to his hands, seeing him pull out a knife. My body stiffens.

“Relax, I won't cut you, darling. This is for the ropes.”


Damion tightened the ropes around my legs, binding my thighs and ankles to the chair I was tied to when I first arrived. I guess everything went full circle. But in order for him to not tie me back to the ceiling, I had to be cooperative.

For some reason he was now donning a mask. That gave me a glimmer of hope. Maybe he's doing so because he´ś planning on letting Kitty go.

He stands up, admiring his handiwork, and then grabs something from his table, where he keeps his tools. My stomach twists as he grabs a gag.

"Nonono, I said I'd be good. Please don't gag me.” He stops, thinking, before silently placing the gag back on the table. I breathe a sigh of relief, only to have said relief be washed from me as soon as he opens the bathroom door and pulls out the unconscious body of Kitty.

I try to steady my breathing as I watch her chest slowly but surely rise and fall, her legs dragging behind her as Damion pulls her along by her bound arms.

God, why have you forsaken me?

"Alright, this time is gonna be a bit different than your boss. Things are gonna be a bit different than how I dealt with your boss. You need to stay silent, unlike last time when you were louder than that bastard.”

I bite back harsh words, not needing to be hurt again by the psycho.

Water in hand, Damion dumps the bucket over Kitty’s head, causing her to sputter awake. She heaves for a moment, before noticing what her surroundings are and screams.

“Kitty! Kitty, calm down! Please be quiet! He’ll hurt you if you aren’t,” I beg her with pleading eyes. I hear the man laugh, but all I see is Kitty’s mascara-covered face. God, I missed her so much.

“You’re gonna be okay, I promise, Kit. Just hold on.” I try to smile at her, but it comes out looking more like a wince of pain.

“That’s adorable, darling,” Damion laughs, putting a hand on my shoulder. “You’re definitely not going to be okay when we’re done with you.”

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