Chapter 4 - Girls on Film

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Chapter 4

"Either she fixes herself or she's out of the house!"

I never thought I'd cry over my boss. I always told myself I'd be happy once he died because of what he's done to me. But now, with his corpse lingering in the back of my mind, all I can do is sob. At least Damion united me, so I can wipe my face without asking for help. At this point, was playing the long run really even a good idea? Whatever I do, he's likely to kill me. I mean, it's not like my family would care.

Bad time, Tara.

Sorry, Tara.

I wiped the last of my tears away and looked around for something to do. Then I remember that, before he had left in the morning, he had put my ankle on a tight chain connected to the wall farthest from the door. He moved me to a smaller room, one where there was a tiny kitchen with a folding table and two metal chairs. A small door lay opposite the kitchenette, and I assume that it was a bathroom.

The thumping sound of my head hitting the wall filled the room. The sound of my frustration. Every time I close my eyes I see Jimmy's mangled skull and his blood on my skin like it was water from a shower.

I should find something to do.

I stop hitting my head, knowing I'd get brain damage if I continue. I try to think of a song, and "Maneater" By Hall & Oats comes to mind.

"She'll only come out at night

The lean and hungry type

Nothing is new

I've seen it here before~

Watching and waiting

Ooh, she's sitting with you

But her eyes are on the door~

So many have paid to see

What you think you're getting for free

The woman is wild, a she-cat tamed by the purr of a jaguar

Money's the matter

If you're in it for love, you ain't gonna get too far.~

Ooh here she co-"

I jump as I hear clapping from the door, and Damion strides in pridefully.

"Darling, that was wonderful." He comes over and squats in front of me, and I inch myself closer to the wall. "I've never heard you sing in person before! What a blessing..."

"What do you mean, 'In person'?" I cut him off, not wanting to hear the insane man ramble. "I've never put anything on the internet."

"You sure can be dull sometimes... How do you think I know so much about you?" I look at him with a raised eyebrow. He sighs. "Cameras. I have cameras. You sure you aren't naturally a blonde?"

"Why do you have a camera on me?!" I stare daggers into his eyes, but all he does is smirk.

"You hungry?"

I scowl and look away, but he stays there. It's so quiet I could hear him breathe. I hear the shifting of cloth as he stands up, and I look back. He's walking to the kitchenette. I stare curiously as he pulls raw spaghetti and a pot with a strainer lid out of a counter. I watch as he cooks us... pasta. I don't remember the last time I ate pasta.

So I sit.

And wait.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "water boils slower when you watch it?" Well, let me tell you, it definitely feels like it. But it was the only thing I could do.

So I sit.

And wait.

Did you know that if your brain doesn't get oxygen for six minutes, even if they are revived, they are brain-dead? So even if EMTs got to me, I'd probably be brain-dead. That means the last thing I'll remember is this bastard. But I need to stay positive. And win his trust.

So I sit.

And wait.

Have you ever watched the show "Total Drama?" The host definitely had a few crimes under his belt. I mean, here's a list: Mass murder, manslaughter, systematic starvation, vandalism, gaslighting, abuse of power, psychological abuse, assault and battery, reckless and child endangerment, evading the police, poisoning, torture, pollution, blackmail, animal cruelty, mass theriocide, fraud, snuff filming, multiple counts of mass property destruction, unethical experimentation, voyeurism, possesion of underage pornography, slavery, stalking, poaching, sabotage, terrorism, beasteality (implied), dendrophilia (implied), extortion, hate crimes, smuggling, corruption, conspiracy, incrimination, unlawful punishments, unlawful imprisonment, and unlawful detention. Chris reminds me of Damion.

So I sit.

And wait.

I can't take this... It's like he's going slow and staying silent on purpose. Then I look at the stove where the pot, now filled with water, sits.

The knob.

The knob is on the lowest setting.

What a fucking dickwad!

"Hey! What the fuck is wrong with you? You can clearly see I'm upset!" He looks over to me and smirks.

"You look cute when you're angry." He finally pours the pasta in the pot once it starts to boil. "But, the way you reacted was quite rude. Do you need another punishment?" I know I need to play along, but not make it too obvious. If I instantly switched up, Damion would be able to tell something was up. So gradual it is.

"I'm sorry. I just... I just got angry. Everything here is so scary." I'm not usually a person of many words, but nothing I said was a lie. I really am scared. Terrified. But I wouldn't say that aloud.

Damion strides over to me and I close my eyes in anticipation for him to strike me. But all he does is pat me on the head. I flinch at his touch. He means to comfort me, but my skin crawls at his touch.

The rest of the night I was silent. 

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