A home for kats

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Hey yall so in this au mic is bakugous adopted dad and due to the abuse of bakugou he ends up having lots of mental issues main one being anger issues no one knows mic is his dad apart from aizawa



Hizashi pov:

I'm on my way to adopt a child and I know what child I'm adopting,his name is katsuki bakugou he was abuse until he was taken out of his home at 9 now age 10 still in the care home katsuki was a special case as he has mental issues some being ocd,katsukis ocd bases of germs and contamination from himself or others this is because when katsuki was younger if he got sick his mother would hurt him,and for a kids mind all sickness comes from germs and for the majority of the time it does. He also has ptsd not really a need to explain there.
When i reach the doors I already see katsuki there waiting with the care worker "ahhh hizashi yamada nice to see you again I'm sure you remember katsuki" I nod "of course I remember my son" she chuckles "of course,well good bye katsuki be on your best behaviour I don't want another person sending you back" he grunts and leave the doors and so I follow him to the car "ok kiddo entirely up to you if you feel safer in the back seat or passenger seat with me" he looks at me,flips me off and gets in the back "ok..."

     And that's why I am now sat in a car uncomfortably with a newly 10 year old.

Katsuki's POV:

I am sat in a car with a man I know will send me back like all the others on the way to his house "so,old man how long you keeping me until you decide to give me back" I ask he looks at me through the mirror "fella,I'm not getting rid of you no matter how you act I understand why your like the way you are and anyone who doesn't get it doesn't deserve you I chose you for a reason and its to give you the love you deserve" i listend and I think I was gonna cry so I punch both my thighs to stop myself "dont cry" I thought I didn't day it out loud which apparently I did "bud please if you need to cry,cry and please don't punch yourself,it will bruise" I nod and then the car stops "cmon bud let's get you inside" I follow him in with my bag and then he says "I'm gonna wash all your clothes and stuffies is there any you don't want me to wash cus you'll have to go withoute then for tonight" he asks,I nod and go into my bag and take out my green bunny stuffie izuku gave me,"there." I say then walk away to sit on the couch but I trip and drop my stuffie right into the bin ,it was a small bin so it was easy to drop into "FUCK,FUCK,FUCK" I hit myself in the head and thighs then I punch the floor I banged my head on the floor I felt 2 hands pick me up I screamed "PUT ME DOWN" I hit the person behind me I kicked then and kicked them "I'm not putting you don't until I know your not hurting yourself "ITS DIRTY,IM DIRTY" I scream "I have an idea I'm taking you to the sensory room and putting foam gloves on you" I struggled to get out "PLEASE,PLEASE" I start crying but I can feel him carry me to the said room and I feel my self he dropped and I hear the door close I can see his legs slightly from the face in the ground I then feel myself being picked up and my hands having foam gloves on them I frown "GET THESE FUCKING THINGS OFF OF ME" I screamed at him and started hitting the floor "not until you calm down katsuki" he then leaves so I sit there hitting the floor and my thighs

Hizashi's pov:

He's a handful but I love him already I think he has some undiagnosed anger issues but who's to say it will stay undiagnosed for ever

<< 10 MINS LATER>>

I go back to the room and open the door to find a sleeping 10 year old so I pick him up and take him to the living room and place him on the couch but when I was taking the gloves off he woke up "dirty.." I heared him say "what's dirty bud.." I look at him "me and bun bun" I hug him "no no ill get you sick I'm dirty" he says,I look at him full of pity "do you want a shower kats?" He nods "yes I want to be clean no germs no sickness" I was about to start crying "and what about Bunbun?" I ask "wash" I nod and pick him up I walk to the bathroom and place him on the toilet seat I run the water "how warm?" He looks at me with no expression "hot enough to make me red and burn the germs off me" he replys "bud I can't" he looks at me furrowed eye brows an all "YOU CAN" I look at him "want to run your own bath" I ask and he nods so I leave and call my boyfriend of a year and a half


SA: hello love

HY: hey shouta I have a bit of a problem

SA: Problem being?

HY: yknow how I adopted that kid?

SA: yup

HY: I think he got anger issues but he has bad ocd and he wants a bath hot enough to burn the germs off and make him red raw

SA: then give it to him,just make sure he doesn't stay in there long ill come over tomorrow to meet him

HY: thank you so much I just heared the bathroom door open so I'm going to go love you bye

SA: love you bye


"Heya kat you feeling clean now?" I ask and he nods yawning "want to go back to sleep" he nods once again and then I pick him up and carry him to his room and let him drift into sleep.

<<12.21pm the next day>>

Kat was still sleeping bur shouta was already here "shou I'm going to make you coffee and me a iced tea ill be back" he grunts and nods so I head off but 2 minutes later I hear a very vague "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING SITTING ON HIZASHIS COUCH,VILLIAN" I quickly run into the living room to see kat trying to attack shouta,I run over and pull him away "LEMME GO YOU GOD DAMN FUCKING COKATOO" he screams as he hits his thighs over and over,I don't engage I just walk away into the sensory room and put the gloves back on him,close the door and leave back to the living room.

"I am so sorry shouta" he smiled "I can see what you mean by anger issues,when does he start school" he asks me "tomorrow" I reply and he nods and then says "go speak to him,make sure he's OK that's what he needs" I nod and follow shoutas instructions leaving back to the sensory room.

I open the door and look at kat stepping on the liquid tiles "Heya bud can you tell me how you feel right now angry,upset,anything?" He looks at me and then I take off thr gloves and hand him a stress ball "I'm angry and upset" I look at him "ok let's start from there why are you angry" he looks down again playing with the liquid tyles "because he could've hurt Me or he could be carrying germs and get me sick" I nod "ok why are you upset" "Because you didn't tell me he was coming over and I was starting to trust you" i look at him take. Aback "bud if I had know you wanted me to tell you I would've, how about we go and acquaint you properly" I ask he nods "but on one condition I can take these out its relaxing and this is  comfy" he says while holding up the stress ball and a wiggle seat "you don't have to ask to take anything out of here if you think you need it" he nods and I gesture for him to come out and so he follows.

Once back with shouta I set the wiggle seat on the floor and kat sits on it already rocking side to side while squishing his stress toy "ok how about you introduce yourself first shou" he nods "hello I am a
Shouta aizawa I am hizashis boyfriend and I hope to get to know you more" shouta says "kats it's your turn" he nods and huffs "I'm katsuki I'm not saying my last name" I nod "thanks kats want a hug?" He nods "but can u please use hand sanitizers first" I nod and put some watermelon hand sanitizers on then open up arms to which katsuki gets in my lap facing inront and I wrap my arms around him,after a couple of seconds katsuki starts swaying side to side and I smile at him.

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