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I head upstairs after making breakfast to wake up kats for school "kats wake up and go down stairs to eat breakfast ill lay out clothes and pack your bag" I say and I then see a very grumpy 10 year old walk past and head to the kitchen,I walk into his room and make his bed then go to his wardrobe and pull out some clothes and in his bag I pack him some fidgets of his own I bought specifically for his anger and anxiety.

We left half an hour later,"please don't try and attack someone" he frowns "I can't fucking help it" I sigh and stop the car outside the school "come on" i say and so he follows me in, once where in and the principle walks him to his lesson I leave and get on with my day.

Katsuki's pov:

I'm in my lesson and as soon as I walk in and the principal leaves the teacher says "can you write your name on the board" I look at the teacher Blankly "no" I reply and she looks astounished "young man that was not a question" I feel my fist clech "you've touched it ,it has germs" she's turning red "DO AS I SAY YOUNG MAN"  my anger got worse "I DONT APPRECIATE BEING SHOUTED AT AS SOON AS I WALK IN" I reply she seems angered "YOUNG MAN I DONT CARE WHAT YOU APPRECIATE JUST DO AS I ASKED" that was it I ran at her and went to attack her "SOMEONE GET SLT OR THE PRINCIPLE" I hear the teacher shout as I throw punches at her,a few minutes later I'm being pulled off by 2 members of slt and the principle "LET GO OF ME" I scream and kick but I got carried away into the principles office as soon as they set me down I go to run but slt picks me up and puts me down again blocking the door this time so I go to hit myself ,over and over and over until someone grabs my hands "kid what happend" the principle asked "i-ah-eh-mmmm" I was to angry to speak "ok kid calm down do you know anything that helps "wiggle" I say he looks confused another teacher walks in this time I don't know who or what they teach,but they put these photos infront of me "katsuki-kun" can you point to the one you want if it's there .Shockingly it was there so I point at the wiggle chair "a wiggle chair" the lady says "ill be right back" and then she walks away only to come back moments later with a green wiggle chair "last one of the new stock no ones touched it and I have gloves on" she says as she hands it to me and I open it and sit on the wiggle chair.

It took around 5 minutes for me to calm down but when I did you could tell "ok katsuki what happend" the same lady asks although the principle and slt still wanting the anwser "she wanted me to write on the board" I say "and so you attacked her" one if the slt adds "she wanted to get me sick she used the chalk it had germs on it" the lady nods "so is this because you didn't want to get germs and she tried making you use the chalk" she asks ,I look at her processing what she just said "she shouted at Me aswell I get scared when I get shouted at" I say I wanted to cry so I started rocking back and forth harder on the wiggle chair "the lady standa up straight and turns to the principle "she obviously didn't read his file like you. Asked" the principle nodded "should I call your guardian?" The principle asks me and i nod "ok,how about you go with this lovley lady here and we ill let you when your guardian is here" I nod and look at the lady who kneels down to my High and introduced herself.

"I'm Miss Thomas ,I'm from britan,and I like cats" how about you day something about you and your name" she suggests ,I contemplate it for a while but this lady had been nothing but nice to me so I may aswell "I'm katsuki bakugou,I'm in Foster care and Im 10" She smiles "great kiddo let's go" she walks out and so I follow her,we play games like asking eachother questions and we made our feelings into stories.

Hizashi's pov:

I loom at my phone while I was sat on the couch with shouta as its our day off "oh god,already got a phone call he hasn't even been there 2 hours" I look at him "go ahead" sho says and so I anwser it and put it on speaker "hello hizashi yamada speaking how may I help you"


HY: Hello hizashi yamada speaking how may I help you

SKL: Hello this is principle harujuki I'm calling as an incident has happend with katsuki bakugou who is under your guardian ship at the moment and we would like you to come down to the school

HY: as expected ill be right over

SKL: thank you Mr yamada

*hangs up*

"I need to go down to the school,you want to come shou" he nods and we both leave

Once we got to the school the receptionist brought me to the principles office and I knock on the door "come in" I hear faintly from my side and so I open the door and take a seat "what seems the be the problem sir?" I ask and he explains "katsuki attacked his teacher within minutes of being in the classroom however none of it was his fault leading up to it as the teacher he had did not read his files and she wanted him to use a chalk she had already used also shouted at him which probably triggered something,my recommendation to fix this is to put katsuki in the special Ed program 3 lessons a day and have a 1 - 1 with him at all times , I have a one to one that katsuki already trusts if you agree to this and he is with her right now" I nod taking in the information "if you think that is what would be better for kat then that's what shall happen is there anything I need to buy for him that you reccomed will help" the principle shakes his head "no all we ask is you buy a lanyard he likes we will attach communication cards on there and then anything else we think he will need will be attached and the special education program gives out pins for then to put on there lanyards as rewards" I nod 'this might help kat' I think to myself "thank you can you take me to katsuki and ill take him home early and we can start fresh tomorrow" he nods and gestures for me to follow him

Katsuki's pov:

I was talking about how kind and patient Mr yama is with me to miss Thomas and then we hear a knock on the door it then opens and we find Mr yamada and the principle I run up and hug Mr yamada and he picks me up "well kats we best get going,we got shopping to do" he says and I nod and we leave to the car "MR SHOUTA" he chuckles from in the car after I screamed his name.

When we got to the mall Mr yamada carried me to a shop that sells lots of lanyards "pick one kats" he says to me "why" I ask "for school" I nod and jump out his arms to look round I saw one I loved I said "hand up radio,I want that one" I point to It.


Omg I was gonna cry kat wants some of my merch of course ill get it for him so I grab it and pay

"There we go all set for tomorrow,I'm sorry about today"

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