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Katsuki's pov:

    I woke up to yamada shaking me awake "come on kat wake up for school" I pull the weighted blanket on me more "noooo,please", I eventually end up being dragged up out of my comfy sleep and carried to the car,which I fell asleep in again and then got rudely awaken again "dadddddd.." I grumble "omg kat I love you so much you just called me dad this is the happiest day of my life" I look at him and smile "so I don't have to go into school?" He tuts and my response "no cmon your going" so I complied and followed behind him "ok,kat go straight to miss Thomas office she has someone who wants to meet you" he told me and so I waved and left.
When I got to miss Thomas office I realised there was another lady there "hello,you must be katsuki" the mysterious lady says,"miss Thomas wheres my wiggle seat?" I ask miss Thomas "ahh right I won't grab it fir you as I havent got gloves on but it's in that draw right there" she says as she points to said draw,I get my wiggle seat and place it on the chair then sat down,taking my worry monster from my bag "miss Thomas who's this" I ask whilst rocking back and forth on my wiggle seat,I hear a slight chuckle "so me and your father have something we're concerned about in you and this lady can help she's going to be with us all day watching you ok?" I nod "now cmon katsuki let's go to lesson" she says as she picks up my bag with gloves now on her hands,I pick up my wiggle seat and follow her with the lady following behind us 'what a stalker' I think to myself before being interrupted "wow katsuki what's in this bag it's heavy" I look up at miss Thomas and shrug "we will take a look in the classroom"

Once we get into the classroom I look at my chair in rage "AGHHH" I scream startling miss Thomas and the random lady who haven't arrived at the door yet "katsuki what's the matter" I look at miss Thomas "SOMEONE IS IN MY FUCKING SEAT" I shout visibly angry and point at myself on my "deal breaths katsuki,we can get them to move" she says I nod calmed down a little more and we walked in and over to my seat,"excuse me shoyo but can you move seats this is katsukis seat" miss Thomas asked them politely,he shook his head "Katsuki needs to learn to share" shoyo said, and the only thing in ny brain was 'I'm gonna kill,him' I charged straight at him,however being grabbed before I get to him and taken out the room "HES IN MY SEAT WHY AM I IN TROUBLE"  I scream at miss Thomas once I'm put down on the chair though my wiggle seat being placed down first "katsuki your not in trouble I just need you to calm down" miss Thomas says "but my seat,he's got it all germy now" she nods in understanding the lady still watching us "katsuki how about we try a new way of calming down" I shrug and then i felt myself being put into a tent like thing that's in the air "this is a pod swing you can swing in it" miss Thomas says I nod and they both walk away to the other side of the room,I started swinging the tent thingy and it was relaxing.

<<<<<10 mins later>>>>>

"Miss Thomas" I say and she looks over then walks over "yes katsuki?" She asks "I'm boerd and this doesn't move very much I think it's old" she chuckles "you are right it is old,hoe about we go outside otll energy out of you I nod and hop out.

Once where outside I see lots of toys but one stuck out to me "omg a space hopper" i say to myself,I run to it and put one foot on either side and hop.

<<half an hour later>>

"Katsuki,its time to go in for lunch now" I frown and shake my head "cmon ill take you back outside with the soace hopper later" I nod and run to her then inside "katsuki do you want to eat in the lunch hall and try and make friends?" I nod even though i didn't want to.

Once we were in the hall I found a seat by myself in the far corner,I take out my lunch though not bothered to eat any just yet I sit there tapping and then my legs go up on the seat closing myself in and then back down then I'm spinning around,it wasn't until just then did I realise how loud it was in the lunch hall,I cover my ears as they visibly hurt from the noise,I get up with my hands still glued to my ears and walk up and down my table then sit down then up and down then sit down and I repeat until.

Tap.tap.I felt someone tap me "nnnnn" I say "katsuki do you want to come to my office instead" I nod and run out into her office.

A few seconds later I see her walk in with my bag,which I forgot I left there "katsuki,why don't we take your hands off your ears now?" She asks I shake my head violently at that,then realising the random lady was there,I completely forgot about her,but she walks over to Me placing something over my hands and then pulling my hands under what she put over them,it seems she put some sort of headphones on my neck "there ear defenders you can keep them little man" the random lady says to me.

"Katsuki how about you sit down on this chair" miss Thomas says pointing to an orange chair,"neh" I put my hands down as in questioning "it has a head rest that goes side to side and a foot panel that also does and the main part is like your swivle chair" once she explained I sat on it,after a couple minutes of getting comfortable I started moving my head side to side aswell followed my feet.

Before I knew it,my dad was at the door about to pick me up tho miss Thomas says "katsuki how about we go onto the space hopper for a little while,so your dad and the physiatrist can talk" I nod and leave with miss Thomas.

Hizashi pov:

"Sorry for keeping you Mr yamada but I have diagnosed katsuki with more than 1 thing,I know you only wanted the anger issues but I've diagnosed him with adhd and high functioning autism,high functioning autism is very easy to spot but he has got it there" I hear the physiatrist explain 'wow,he's matching me with the adhd and i was really not expecting the autism.'

Once that talk was over and me and katsuki got home I took him to the breakfast bar "katsuki I wanna tell you something..." he looks at me a glint of horror in his eyes "I'm sorry please don't send me back!!!" He says I shake my head "no no,I'm gonna be blunt with you here as this is the best approach,today you were diagnosed with autism,adhd,and anger issues".

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