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Hey yall I'm posting a todoroki one soon I don't know how long this will be since I'm focusing on my career in taekwando for now but I decided to atleast update.


Katsuki Bakugo, the blonde-haired ball of energy, couldn't sit still on the couch while his favorite superhero show played on the TV. He bounced up and down, making the cushions squeak under his weight. "Come on, come on, come on!" he muttered, eyes glued to the screen.

Meanwhile, Hizashi,, was enjoying a rare quiet evening. He lounged in his armchair, sipping on a hot cup of tea, and tried to relax while keeping one eye on Katsuki. Just as he was beginning to unwind, his phone rang, breaking the brief tranquility.

"Yamada speaking!" he answered in his usual energetic tone, but it quickly softened as he heard the distressed voice on the other end.

"Hizashi, it's Nemuri. I—I need a favor," Nemuri said, her voice trembling slightly.

"Nemuri, what's wrong?" Hizashi asked, sitting up straight, concern lacing his voice.

"It's Hisashi... Izuku's dad. Since He left, ... I just need a night to myself. Could you take Izuku for a sleepover? Please?"

Hizashi's heart went out to his friend. "Of course, Nemuri. We'll take good care of him. Bring him over whenever you're ready."

"Thank you, Hizashi. I'll be there in an hour."

An hour later, Izuku arrived at the Yamada residence with a small backpack slung over his shoulder. His green eyes were red and puffy from crying, but he managed a small smile when he saw Katsuki bouncing on the couch.

"Izuku!" Katsuki shouted, leaping off the couch and rushing to his friend. "You're here! What took you so long?"

Izuku chuckled softly, wiping his eyes. "Hi, Kacchan. Sorry, we had to pack a few things."

Hizashi bent down to Izuku's level and ruffled his hair gently. "Hey there, champ. Why don't you boys go play outside for a bit? Dinner will be ready soon."

Katsuki grabbed Izuku's hand and dragged him towards the backyard. "Come on, let's make bug nests! I found a really cool spot yesterday."

Izuku brightened a little at the idea. "Okay, Kacchan. Let's do it."

The two boys spent the afternoon outside, gathering sticks, leaves, and rocks to create elaborate bug nests. They laughed and chased each other around the yard, momentarily forgetting their worries.

"Look, Izuku! I caught a beetle!" Katsuki exclaimed, holding up his prize.

Izuku's eyes widened in admiration. "Wow, Kacchan! That's so cool. Can I see?"

Katsuki carefully handed the beetle to Izuku, who inspected it with fascination. "It's amazing," he said, smiling for the first time since arriving.

Hizashi watched from the kitchen window, a smile tugging at his lips. It was good to see Izuku having fun despite the circumstances.

As the sun began to set, Hizashi called the boys inside for dinner. They sat around the table, plates piled high with homemade burgers and fries.

"This is so good!" Katsuki said through a mouthful of food.

"Yeah, thank you, Mr. Yamada," Izuku added, his mood visibly lifted.

"You're welcome, boys. And call me Hizashi," he replied with a grin.

The rest of dinner was filled with laughter and stories, Katsuki and Izuku taking turns sharing their adventures from school.

After dinner, Hizashi ushered the boys upstairs for a bath. Katsuki splashed around, making waves and bubbles, while Izuku giggled at his friend's antics.

"Careful, Kacchan! You'll flood the bathroom," Izuku warned, laughing.

Hizashi leaned against the doorframe, watching them with a fond smile. "Alright, boys, time to get out before we have a pool instead of a bathroom."

Once they were clean and in their pajamas, Hizashi tucked them into sleeping bags in Katsuki's room. The boys insisted on staying up a little longer to tell ghost stories.

"And then, the ghost... came out of the closet!" Katsuki said, his voice low and dramatic.

Izuku gasped, eyes wide. "No way! That's so scary!"

Hizashi chuckled, turning off the light. "Alright, enough ghost stories for tonight. Time to sleep."

As the boys drifted off to sleep, Hizashi sat back in his armchair, feeling a sense of peace. Nemuri had needed a break, and he was glad he could help. Hearing the quiet snores from Katsuki's room, he knew the boys had found comfort in each other's company.

Outside, the stars twinkled brightly, a reminder that even in the darkest times, there was always a light to guide them through.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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