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Katsuki pov:

Here I was driving to school again having to see that tretourous teacher  I now despised with all passion.

Once we arrived at school Mr yamada took me in though not straight to class like I should've gone straight to the principle,who seemed to be waiting at the door for us "hello yamada and good morning katsuki" I grumble in response "please do come in so I can explain to katsuki" I see Mr yamada nod and he goes in so of course I follow and sit on the chair next to Mr yamada across from me is miss Thomas and next to miss Thomas was the principle "alright katsuki" the principle says as he says that I see miss Thomas walk out with my lanyard I turn my attention back to the principle "we have decided to put you in special ed" I look at him confused "what's special Ed I question?" However Mr yamada anwsers "A child has special educational needs if they have a learning problem or disability that make it more difficult for them to learn than most children their age. They may have problems with schoolwork, communication or behaviour. Like you" I nod understanding now "you'll be in there 3 lessons a day and when your not you'll be with your one to one who will be with you in special Ed aswell" I look at the principle again "what's a one to one?" I ask yet another question "One to one tuition involves a teacher, teaching assistant or other adult giving a pupil intensive individual support" he responds I nod "so who's my one to one?" I ask not wanting it to be some mean random person but then like on que miss Thomas walks In and the principle says "miss Thomas here is your one to one" I smile and look at her "ok" then she comes over to me.

"Heya katsuki look what I got" miss Thomas says then she holds up my lanyard it has something like those pictures she was showing me yesterday it had handsanitizer and fidgets attached,I stared at it for a while "woah" she smiles and holds out a hand then taking it back and putting gloves on then holding it back out "let's go then to special Ed" I nod and we walk out

Once we get there we stop outside the door and miss Thomas crouches down to my Hight "do you want to introduce your self or should I" I point at her in response and she puts a thumbs up and stands back up,she then opens the door,puts my lanyard on me and walks in ,I quickly follow behind her and she says "hello class I would like you all to meet my 1 to 1 katsuki" the class then all said hello in unison and we moved on ,miss Thomas brought me to the back and asked "katsuki where would u like to sit on the floor,a bean bag,a dark corner or at a chair" I look around not replied yet 'there all going to have germs so in my opinion no where' I think to myself I just end up shrugging "ok how about the chairs and tables" I shake my head "the floor?" Again germs I shake my head "dark corner" someone's probably thrown up there before germs I shake my head "only one more option" I hear her and I'm gone I walk out

I hear her calling me from behind so I respectfully stop "katsuki what's the matter" she asks I look at her straight in the eyes hitting my side over and over Repeatedly "I'm not sitting someone with germs" then she' 0s silent I'm still hitting my self "ahhh I forgot about that I am so sorry katsuki,how are u feeling?" She asks I groan "go awayyyyyy" she steps back "you don't have to tell me how about you show me with your cards, u guess I could complie to that so I look through the cards until I find the frustration one and show her she nods and igknowledg my feeling "katsuki u think we have a new ship ment of chairs and I belive I saw a swivle chair how about we go get that sanitize it down and put it In your own little corner and no one else can sit on your chair we can even put your name on it" she suggests so I put my thumb up and she grabs ny hand and we go to the storage cupboard then the principle walks past "everything ok miss Thomas" he asks " yes everything is ok he got a bit frustrated as there's germs in everywhere he could sit sk were getting the swivel chair for him but he was good so he gets to choose a pin he walked straight out and stopped when I called him" she told him like I was a dog, I wave at the principle and once she gets the swivle chair we leave.

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