wheres miss T

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No pov:

Katsuki had been doing good since his diagnosis,he hadn't been attacking anyone unless provoked to much and he had calmed down with his anger management but when he got to the school one day his 1 to 1 wasn't there .

"Wheres miss T" katsuki asked,after the year he spent with miss Thomas being his 1 to 1 he came back for the next school year after summer and had been greeted with some random lady.

Katsuki's pov:

This was frustrating,if you knew me you would know I hate change,change is always bad,"wheres miss T!" I asked again.
"Now Now kat calm down" I forgot my dad was there ,he hadn't left yet "NO!" I shouted my my hands controlled there own movements and hit my head repeatedly, soon enough I felt someone pull me close to then my face now in there stomach,it was my dad ,my hands were still un controllable but they got moved to tho I'm still hitting something,I think for a moment about what I'm hitting and then I realise ,I take my hands back to my sides,I start to cry "I'm so so sorry dad,please don't send me back I didn't meant to hit you" I pleaded "baby I'm the one who moved your hands so you would hit Me,I'm not gonna send you back" ,is what he said I turned around looking away from him I'm infuriated still though now I'm directing my anger to the lady sat in miss T chair "who are you! Wheres miss T!" I speak aggressively "now no-" before I know it my body charges at thr woman I get around 5 hits in before being pulled off .

I'm squirming to break free until I recognise the room I'm in a diffrent room though small more like a cubbord,I'm sat on a swivle seat and given an insect,though I don't think it was real I think it was a robotic one,I'm really keen on insects I like them alot,so I get pulled into the world of the insect nothing else .

Hizashi's pov:

I see the councler give katsuki a robotic insect ,kats doesn't understand about his autism and adhd yet though his anger issues and ocd he understands he doesn't understand what a special interest is though insects are definitely one of his,over the summer holidays we re decorated his room. It was bug themed,we got him a sesory bin,he chose bug themed,we went to get him a pet he chose a jumping spider,he decorated a insulin case for midnight's son izuku ,it was bug themed he had to get glasses, they had bees on the side,get the picture?

I decided I should just take katsuki home for the day as I had a day off work because I was just a meet your teacher fun day and he didn't have a new teacher,I don't think

So I picked katsuki up and as soon as I did he said "I'm sorry dad" I brush his back "it's ok baby" kats was a very affectionate person he likes being held or being cuddled but only by me,shouta or nemuri "please don't put me down" I nod,I mean I could just walk to nemuris it's only a little bit away and she kept izuku off because the day before his father had left he didn't really understand but he was still really upset,izuku looked alot like his father instead of nemuri but had her quirk.he was also kats best friend and it'll be good for then to see eachother.

No ones:

Midnight opend the door to a knock "oh,hizashi I wasn't expecting to see you,oh and katsuki" ,once katsuki heard his name he turned his head around and let go of hizashi tho hizashi still had hold of him by his legs,katsuki put his hands out indicating he wanted midnight to hold him,so she did after 5 minutes of getting situated and conformable little foot step fast enough to indicate that someone was running was heard and in came a little curly haired boy,just so happening to be izuku.

"Kacchan!!" Katsuki gets up out of nemuris nap at the voice off his best friend and hugs izuku "I bought you something with my pocket money!!"
Katsuki stops hugging izuku at that "you didn't have to by me anything izu" izuku shakes his head "but it reminded me of you so I got it I got one for me to" he then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bracelet with half a butter fly on it and gives it to katsuki "you like bugs and a butterfly counts as one and I got my half on my wrist see!!" He says excitedly while showing katsuki he didn't get a reply just a hug and then faint noises indicating he was crying were heard.

Hizashi pov:

What was going on infront of me was so adorable but then katsuki started crying "kats why are you crying?" I ask him but he murmers "i don't know" and I smile he then comes over to me and sits on my lap while izuku is on nemuris lap

After about 3 hours of being there it was around 11:10am and then katsuki says "can I get my ears peirced?" I was shocked because it was out of the blue "I'm sorry" I shake my head,why was he sorry,"of course you can don't be sorry let's get something to eat because you didn't have breakfast,he nods and we head for mc donalds having gone back to the school for the car,after mc donalds we officially went to peircing shop "what earing kiddo" he points at one ,I was shocked because usually its plain studds but in here it being a kids peircing shop it has bugs,fruit and others you can be peirce with ofcourse katsuki picks lady bugs and so he gets in the seat I thought he would be scared but I looked away for a second to grab something for him as I thought he would love it and his birthday it coming up and when I looked back he was done and had a lolly pop and a plushie so I bought the thing and we left.

We spent the rest of thr day together doing fun things,like insect finding of course he chose that,we watched the elemental movie in the cinema,I cried he laughed at Indian music,we went to the arcade and then we went for food at see the tree he got

Starter - cucumber and carrot sticks with dip

Main- mac and cheese

Dessert- decorate your on waffle with ice cream

And I got

Starter-chicken goujons

Main- chicken korma

Dessert- bubble gum Sunday

It was around 9 pm when we got home ,"let's get you in the bath yea?" He nods and he rans to the bathroom to do the water ,I don't let him in long because I know he like baths hot 'hot enough to burn the germs off' like he puts it,once it's finished running I put a bath bomb in and but his favrioute bug towel in the bathroom,then left and set his spider onsei on his bed and went to my room.

At around 3am I feel something tap me "mm" I look around then I look down to see kat "yes baby?" I asked in my very clearly obvious tierd voice "nightmare" I got up out of bef and picked him up carrying him to the kitchen then proceeding to make him warm milk and grabbed some cookies we had made the day prior and he sat on the couch drinking and eating,he Cuddled into me watching a movie until he fell asleep so I carried him to my room took a quick photo of us which ill be printing with the rest tomorrow and putting up and then we cuddled and fell to sleep. I love my son.


Sorry for not updating I haven't got any ideas

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