~CHPTR 28 paparazzi~

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The next few weeks , you and Once saw each other every day, meeting after work. You couldn't get enough of each other, showing your love for each other in anyway possible.

It had been made fairly clear to the both of you that you were now together, deleting any old sex partners from your phone. You were committed. You never saw yourself as the relationship type, but it felt so right.

However, a problem had surface: a picture of you and Once kissing passionately in your car had surface the media, obviously leading to speculations and gossip among the press. This would need explaining.

First, you had scheduled a press conference for the afternoon, so you could clear the air and confirm the suspicions made by the media.

As you were both known business owners, the press were extremely interested in what you had to say. You both got ready to head out, nerves hitting you both.

"What if this doesn't go as planned? What happens if they start making up rumours?" You worried this would have a negative effect on your persona as an independent businesswoman

"Calm down. When we tell them we are official, they will have no choice but to accept it. We can be a power couple!" Onceler spoke calmly.

"Yeah, you're right. When they know it's official, things will simmer down"

"Of course they will, it might even be good for our companies" He wasn't wrong.

You breathed deeply, straightening your blazer as you headed for the door.

"Before we go, you know that I love you right?" He held your chin, kissing you on the cheek.

"The feelings mutual Once, don't worry" You hugged him, before putting on your sunglasses and left the house.


You shielded your eyes from the flashing lights of the paparazzi cameras, it seemed like everyone was here for this. You held hands with Once as he led you to the entrance. Once you were inside, you were led to a large room with two seats up front, microphones facing the seats.

"You alright?" He asked you, holding your shoulders as concern etched his face.

"Yes, I think. We've just got to get through this one press conference then no more"

He nodded, you both made your way up to the seats at the front.

You were both immediately bombarded with questions left, right and centre.

"How long have you been together? How will this affect the two businesses? When will you propose? Any children on the way?" The last question made you intensely anxious. A child? You definitely weren't ready for that.

Onceler could see it getting to you, so he took the lead.

"Business as usual, our relationship will in no way affect the running of the two companies. And as for a proposal, we will see about that" He gleamed, he really had a way with words.

"Miss L/N! How do you think the public will react to your sudden change from an independent woman to a woman in love?" Now was your turn to speak. Once smiled at you in support.

"Well, I believe that a woman in love can still be independent. Me and Onceler both have our own businesses, I know my priorities." You hoped that was enough.

"Oh! Miss L/N! Could you see yourself having a child in the future?"

"When the time comes, I will need someone to pass the company down to. As for now, you're stuck with me unfortunately" The room let out a laugh. This wasn't going as bad as you thought.

You both answered as many questions as you could handle, Once held your hand tightly through the whole conference. Finally, you were informed that would be enough. You left the room, letting out a deep sigh.

"That went well I think" You said.

"I think so too. It's over and done with now, we can be open with each other now." He said, you nodded

"Want to come to my place? I'll make us some food" Onceler said

"Okay, I need to grab some stuff from my place, I'll meet you there" He nodded, walking you to your car as he called himself a cab.

Truth was, you were going to see your mom first, you felt she needed to know about your recent endeavours.


"I knew it!" Your mother shouted, you rolled your eyes at her immaturity.

"Okay okay, our conversation may have opened my eyes slightly."

"Mother knows best darling, Onceler huh? Strange name"

"Yeah well, I love him and he loves me. I'm happy"

"Aww, I want to meet him!" She said. You thought about it for a moment. If you wanted to be honest with Onceler, you'd have to explain your past to him. That would be a tricky conversation.

"We'll see about that. I'll let you know."

"So he doesnt know yet?" She asked.

"Well.. No. No he doesn't"

"Y/N. Secrets can't be kept forever, especially if you are truly in love with this man. I'm sure he will understand. "

"We'll see about that. I'll text you" With that, you hugged your mom and left, debating on how to tell Onceler about your extremely complicated past.


"So let me get this straight. You, your sister, and your mom robbed a bank. Then your mom took the blame and you used the money to start your business?" He was oddly calm, it disturbed you. You had prepared for a massive shouting argument. But he kept his voice low.

"Well, yeah, that's the gist of it. My mom was in prison for 8 years, she got out a few months ago." You said hesitantly. You held your hands together in apprehension.

He placed his hand on top of yours, staring deep into your eyes.

"Well that explains why you didn't want me to know about your mom" He chuckled nervously. Fear filled your mind with the thought of this relationship being ended through your past mistakes.

"Is this a deal breaker? I will understand if so. I mean, I'm a criminal" You spoke sadly. As much as it hurt, you couldn't see anyone getting over this.

"What? I mean, it's a shock. You robbed a bank. That's some heavy shit, but I love you enough to get past this. The past is in the past. I'm not going anywhere Y/N" He said. You sighed shakily, eyes tearing up as a result of revealing your past to the only person ever. He noticed your tears, wiping them away before kissing you lovingly. He nudged you playfully.

"I would like to meet your mom"

The truths been revealed. Cute shit

Strictly Professional ~ Onceler x fem reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now