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Elianna's POV

1 week later

I stepped out of the car as Luca held the door open for me.

I don't know how but Sebastian got me the job without me even having to do a single interview.

I spent the whole of last night brushing up on my ballet. It had been so long that I even forgot what first position was or how to heel turn.

How embarrassing.

I made my way to the entrance and then the front desk.

"Hi, I'm supposed to be teaching the intermediate class today."

She stood up with a smile. "Mrs. Mariano?"

I nodded and she pointed at a door.

"Go right ahead. The girls are already waiting inside."

I smiled to her before turning to the door.

"Mrs. Mariano?" She asked and I turned back.


She looked at Luca. "Will that man be joining you?"

I looked at Luca before looking back to her. "Well, yes. He is my bodyguard. Is there a problem?"

"No offence but he is a scary looking man and we don't want the girls to get scared. Parents will start to complain and it will cause a big problem."

I turned to Luca. "Could you stay outside the door? I promise that I will call for you if I need you in there. I think I can handle a bunch of little girls."

I turned around and walked to the door.

Before I opened it, I took a deep breath. For some reason I was feeling kind of nervous. I don't know if it's the fact that I have never taught a class before or that I haven't done ballet in a long time.

I opened the door to see a bunch of little girls in pink leotards. My heart melted at the sight.

"Welcome to the dance academy, Madam Mariano," they all said in unison.

They were so cute.

One of them stepped forward and handed me a bouquet of roses. "We all picked one from the garden."

"Awww, thank you," I said as I accepted the roses.

She ran back to the others and they all lined up at the various rails.

They were more behaved than I expected.

Was I supposed to introduce myself again? They already knew my name.

"As you guys know, my name is Elianna Mariano but you guys can call me Elle-"

I realized that I probably shouldn't have told them that since they were my students.

"Mrs. Mariano," I corrected myself. "I don't like the madam. I am very nice but don't give me too much trouble."

They silently listened to me.

"Okay, let me see what you guys are at. Can you show me first position?"

They all got into first position at once.

"Now second position," I said and they followed.

They were sharp.

"Now show me the last dance that you guys have learnt," I said so I could get an idea of how simple I need to choreograph their dances.

One of them ran off and tapped the speaker before going back to their position.

The music started to play and they started to dance.

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