20|Sexy Kittens

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Enzo's POV

All the employees halted from their various tasks as I walked into the warehouse.

I ignored all their greetings and walked straight to my office in the back.

I had an office in every location. I was very keen on organization.

I need to know what is happening at all times or else I will feel disturbed.

When I reached to my office, I pulled off this stupid white shirt that Seb forced me to wear.

How does me wearing some shirt saying I heart trees help the environment?

It was stupid. All of it was.

The only reason I'm still doing this is because of mom. She went crazy over this shit.

I was never into gardening. I preferred going out with dad to do his rounds.

It had made me feel grown and like I was in charge.

Little did I know the weight it would come with.

I pulled a plain, black T-shirt over my head and poured myself a drink.

I really hated this day.

Mom used to make her birthday such a big thing. All the family would come over and we would laugh and dine like we were in some kind of happy ending movie.

Now everyone was dead.

I am going to kill Romano. I can't wait for that day.

I have been imagining that day over and over in my head.

He is going to get a slow and painful death.

I smiled as I played images of him begging me for mercy.

He thinks I am nothing. He thinks he took away everything from me. He thinks I am still that helpless boy from years ago but I am going to prove him wrong.

I am going to get my revenge.

I wish I could kill him right now but I can't. I have to stick to the plan. I have to get strong enough.

Little by little I am building an empire and when I strike, he won't know what hit him.

Thanks to De Luca for giving me ownership of everything he has, including his daughter, I'm even closer to my goal.

I took a sip of my scotch as I thought about her.

She is a challenge but I won't let her get in my way.

When she held my hand today, I knew what she was doing. She was plotting something against me. I know it.

She acts like she is all innocent but I know what kind of women she is.

I went through the same thing with Francesca but I won't let Elianna fool me the way Francesca did.

Fool me once that's fine but fool me twice? That is never going to happen.

Elianna will never get close to me. I won't allow it.

I sometimes regret agreeing to marry her.

Sebastian claims that it will be a good look for me so people can start believing that I am a good and family friendly man.

I hate the world that I have to live in.

Why should I pretend to act happy and friendly when I am not. I don't want to be.

My parents did that and look where that got them.

Anyone who says that their life is all puppies and rainbows is lying. They are hiding something.

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