42|Private Plane

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Elianna's POV

I tried to turn on my side but something anchored me down in my position.

My eyes opened quickly to see what it was.

Enzo's arm was wrapped across my stomach.

I tried to lift it up so we wouldn't be awkward when he wakes up but I couldn't.

Plus, he is an extremely light sleeper so if I wake him up, it will still be awkward.

He is always alert and ready for anything, even when he's fast asleep.

I looked at his body and silently groaned.

I like Enzo.

The one thing I told myself that I wouldn't do, I did.

Can't you just not like anyone for once, Elle?

Enzo is going to break my heart. I know he will.

Maybe not cheating but he will find some other way because that is who he is.

Who says he even feels that same way about me?

He didn't even want to kiss me that night.

He said from the start that he wouldn't like me.

Maybe I'm not even his type. Francesca was his type and we couldn't look any different.

She was taller and skinner than me and we had different hair colours.

No wonder he didn't want to have sex with me. I'm not even his type.

What am I going to do with these feelings?

It's not like I can just throw them away? I tried that already and it didn't work.

Someone knocked on the door and I quickly pretended to sleep.

"Enzo, Elle!" Seb shouted. "It's Seb! It's important! Let me in!"

Surprisingly, Enzo stayed asleep through that so I did too.

I heard the door open and I could hear Seb starting to laugh.

"Sir, do you need me to wake them up?" Another voice asked him.

"No," Seb laughed. "I need to take a picture of this, it's iconic!"

"May I ask why, sir?"

"They are cuddling! It's so cute!" He answered.

"Isn't that what all married couples do?"

"Not this one," he said before I heard clicking noises. "Alright go ahead."

Footsteps approached the noises before I heard a scream.

"Sir, let me go!" The man shouted. "I work for you!"

I opened my eyes a little bit to see Enzo strangling the man.

"I forgot to tell you he does that sometimes," Seb said as he approached the bed.

Enzo dropped the man before falling back on the bed.

"What the hell do you want, Seb?" He asked in his morning voice.

I pretended to yawn and stretch so it appeared that I woke up.

"There is soon going to be a warrant out for your arrest," Seb said and my heart dropped.

Enzo didn't move a muscle as he had his eyes closed trying to go back to sleep.

"Did I do it?" He asked.

"Yes, possession of illegal drugs and firearms," Seb answered.

"Okay, handle it," he said before putting the pillow over his head to block everyone out.

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