51|Prepare for Landing

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Elianna's POV

I closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me.

His warmth radiated to the surface of my skin which gave me comfort and protection.

He kissed my forehead as he rocked me. "Thank you."

I smiled before kissing his arm which was wrapped around me. "For what?"

"For not leaving."

I opened my eyes and turned to him. "I will never leave you."

"Neither will I," he said before leaning in and kissing me.

"Liar," I mumbled under my breath as tears fell down my eyes.

"When are you going to stop saying that?" Seb asked sounding very annoying as he sat next to me on our plane. "You've been saying that for the past eight hours now."

"That is what he is," I said as I put back his ring on my necklace.

Seb stayed quiet before looking away.

"He doesn't get to do that," I ranted. "He can't just act like a jerk all week and then do this to me!"

"Elianna, I know you're mad but you need to calm down."

"He killed Luca! Did you know that he has a wife and two babies!?" I asked him but he ignored me. "Seb!"

"He didn't kill Luca!" He shouted.

My shoulders dropped. "What? He said that-"

Seb shook his head. "He lied. Luca went down to the docks and there was an attack. Things went south and Luca got hit."

A chilling feeling went down my spine.

"Enzo didn't want to tell you the same night because you looked so happy. When you found out, he took the blame because that's what he does."

I said all those mean stuff to him.

I looked out the window as I tried not to cry.

I've been crying so much lately that it's driving me crazy.

"I'm sorry about Luca, Elianna, but Enzo didn't kill him," Seb said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

He pulled me into a hug and I lost it.

Tears ran out of my eyes with speed. I felt terrible.

"I want to go back home. I need to see him," I cried.

"Enzo gave an order, Elle. I can't disobey. It's for your safety."

I pulled away from our hug. "My safety? What about his safety? Why did he give me his ring?"

Seb looked down. "Elle, Enzo is going to do what he has been waiting his whole life to do."

I turned my back to him and faced the window. "This is stupid."

"Prepare for landing," the captain said and I buckled my seatbelt.


"Stay here," Seb said as he pulled out his gun and opened the door to my house.

I sighed before walking in front of him.

"This isn't Enzo's house. You don't need to check to see if people are hiding in here."

"Elle, I promised him I would take care of you," he said as he followed me inside.

"I could use a drink right now," I said as I walked to the bar.

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